Not a successful hatch (Muscovy) Has this ever happened to y’all?


Apr 27, 2023
Hello BYC family!

My young Muscovy hen decided to start laying around five months of age (I was surprised). She went broody with about 17 eggs, which I removed a few because she was not able to lay on all of them. Later on, I had to remove about 6 more because there was no development. The remaining ones were all dark and at some point you could see the ducklings move so I assumed they were alive. Yesterday, one of the ducklings hatched early in the morning. However, none of the other hatched. I was really surprised because Muscovies are usually pretty good at sucesfully hatching all of their eggs. I was curious so I cracked the eggs and in all of them the ducklings were deceased, but fully developed and it looked like they were about to hatch. What could have happened? I did noticed she left the nest a couple times a day for extended periods of time. Temperatures here are usually around the 80s-90s during the day and now that we are entering the “fall months” temps are getting chillier at night, around the low 70s more or less… I don’t know if maybe this played any part on what happened. Has this ever happened to any of y’all?
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One of my hens was sitting on a nest of 5 eggs. All died before hatching. I initially thought she wasn't bathing enough and the ducklings got shrink wrapped. These eggs also were up in a wooden nest box without much bedding. I now think it's best that eggs are on the ground as they seem to hold moisture more. Shape of the nest also seems to contribute to a successful hatch. My hens clutch were probably doomed from the start. Now I know better.

Not sure if it was the similar with your hen. Sometimes they hatch a big batch and sometimes they have problems.

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