Have any of you ever had khaki Campbell x Muscovy crosses? How common is it? What did they look like?

My huge Muscovy Drake would mate with anything in the pen. He even mated my Mallard Drake when he was in drake jail with him!!!! Now I have a Black Swedish Call and I recently had an egg hatch out from under my Mallard Hen that was not hers. It looks just like my Call and the only Hen that had mud all over her back was my Muscovy. Today when they were out in the outside pen she went over to him in Drake Jail and they practically touched bills through the fence. It was really sweet and I do think this Black Swedish duckling that is his belongs to her. They will mate each other. When this baby duckling was born it was all black with a yellow chest and a splash of orange on its little feet making it look like it had boots on. It had a light colored bill and is now bigger than a Call Duck but still not real big as its Momma. I hope this helps you some.
I just had to note your “drake jail”…..I currently have three drakes in duck jail myself - so I was glad to see I wasn’t the only one having this issue! It took me a month to catch them, as they harassed several of our hens to death. Yikes. We always had a good ratio of drake to duck hen but one of our ducks raised a brood last year that turned out to be all males. Anyway - I have fawn runner and Khaki Campbell crosses this year (incubated so less craziness in the duck yard) and they are beautiful. My only complaint is both breeds are quite flighty no matter how often I try to tame them. Not a Muscovy mix but ducks and their antics are quite the interesting poultry journey.
I just had to note your “drake jail”…..I currently have three drakes in duck jail myself - so I was glad to see I wasn’t the only one having this issue! It took me a month to catch them, as they harassed several of our hens to death. Yikes. We always had a good ratio of drake to duck hen but one of our ducks raised a brood last year that turned out to be all males. Anyway - I have fawn runner and Khaki Campbell crosses this year (incubated so less craziness in the duck yard) and they are beautiful. My only complaint is both breeds are quite flighty no matter how often I try to tame them. Not a Muscovy mix but ducks and their antics are quite the interesting poultry journey.
I just bought two Runner Ducklings from Rural King last week. One is a Mallard and the other is a Fawn and White. I have two other Fawn and White ones that are not as wild as these two are. They go absolutely crazy whenever I reach to pick them up. I don't think they will ever tame down. My two older ones that I bought as babies in the spring will eat out of my hand now so maybe someday they might. I have just never had two so wild acting. It's so funny, when I have them in my hand if I close my eyes they will get real relaxed and rest their heads on my hand. If my eyes are open they are more wild. I must not feel like a threat if they think I am sleeping, lol. I ended up rehoming all of my drakes and only kept two little Call Drakes and my hens are a lot happier. I am praying that these two are females and not drakes.

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