Whew! What a relief! Also looking for Andalusian pics!


12 Years
Apr 29, 2007
I went to the vet with Splash on Wednesday and got medication for coccidia. Apparently, the other treatment didn't knock it out of the flock and it just made him weak, so he couldn't walk too well. He also had lice. Thank goodness the vet told me, considering I never would have seen those clear little bugs. I treated him with Sevin power this morning. He's sunning in the garden today. I feel so relieved that my 'kids' aren't going to be Marek's victims (at least not yet...

Does anyone have any pics of their Andalusian cockerels around 14 - 18 weeks? Splash's comb is pale and the vet thinks the coccidia made him anemic, but I want to take him back if his comb doesn't redden soon. His comb has always been light, but I figure his comb should be red eventually (my Sicilian Buttercup had a dark red comb since 14 weeks).

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