Which Breed EE or Ameraucana & Hen or Roo?


Jun 14, 2015
Hello. I hatched this little 7 week old gal/guy from some hatching eggs I purchased . The egg it hatched from was marked as a purebred Ameraucana not an EE. So does this look like an Ameraucana or EE? Also ideas on sex - pullet or roo please. Thanks everyone!

Easter Egger, looks like a pullet. Beautiful Blue Silver Partridge color. She's going to be a lovely hen.
Thanks for all the replies. I was initially bummed that what was supposed to be purebred Ameraucana was actually EE. She was supposed to be minimal blue wheaten Ameraucana. When she hatched as a chipmunk striped cutie, I had my doubts. Now I am kind-of glad she isn't a wheaten. I really love her color. And since it seems she is a pullet I will tell my 10 year old son to stop calling her "Beard-O" or "Blackbeard." She needs a name and one that a 10 year old doesn't chose. :)
Just curious @junebuggena how do you tell at this young age that it is an EE versus a purebred Ameraucana?
With your bird, it's coloring is the main give away. Ameraucana only have a few accepted colors/varieties. That girl does not even come close to matching any of them. That alone disqualifies her being an Ameraucana. Easter Eggers can be any color/pattern combination.
Ah...Ok. Thanks for the reply. That make sense. She is such a pretty color so I guess I am OK with it. Next Spring we will look to get a purebred.

Thanks again!
I'm going with cockerel. Those hackle feathers are long, thin and pointed and loose around the neck, not tight and rounded as they would be on a pullet.

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