Which breed first


Jul 22, 2022
1.45 hrs straight east of Fargo ND
M pullets were all hatched August 1st. Which ones will start laying first ?
1. Black Australorps
2. Buff Orpingtons
3. Light Brahmas
These are my first chickens so i have no experience with this. I know they are seemingly all heathy. But i am guessing which ever starts the same breeds will also start ? Let me know what your experiences are with these breeds please.


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If you had 100 birds, then the probability would be the #1, 2, 3 that you gave.

But with just a few birds, you really cannot depend on probability, because then it is more based on the individual birds, not the average trend.

I am waiting too, right now, I just wish SOMEONE would lay an egg, maybe the rest would get the idea.

Mrs K

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