Which breed?


Feb 28, 2022
Leyden, Massachusetts
I live in a rural area in Massachusetts, and am looking to acquire 6-12 chicks who are good egg layers, winter hardy, docile, friendly, foragers and smart. This is my first time ever raising chickens! I’m a total newbie. Questions:
  • Based on the above, which chickens should I be considering?
  • Is it better to get one breed (better to go simple?) or can I mix two? If two, which breeds would get along well?
  • I would also like a rooster. Which breed should I be considering? Should it be the same breed as the chicks? When do I get a rooster - as a chick or pullet?
  • What do folks know about Barred Rock and Sussex? They interest me…
Thank you!
I might suggest Orpingtons if you want cold-hardy, especially if you eventually want to hatch chicks from your eggs. They are very good moms and will usually go broody. Plymouth Rock, Sussex, Australorp, & New Hampshire would be good choices for sure! You could get a few of each, if they are raised together they should get along.
I might suggest Orpingtons if you want cold-hardy, especially if you eventually want to hatch chicks from your eggs. They are very good moms and will usually go broody. Plymouth Rock, Sussex, Australorp, & New Hampshire would be good choices for sure! You could get a few of each, if they are raised together they should get along.
Thank you! I was just reading about Austrolorps!
For Foraging and temperment good winter layers I would lean towards - Buckeye
Eggs - Rhode Island, Astralorp, or Barred Rock
Looks, and temperment - Silver Laced Whyandotte
I have never had Sussex

" You could get a few of each"
I like getting a bunch that all look the same, it is easier to eat them when they stop laying. Don't get any of the nice ones that stand out in the crowd.

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