which breeds are the friendilst

Another vote for Buff Orpingtons! We have a BO, a Speckled Sussex, and EE, and a GLW. After the Orpington, the SS is the next most friendly.
BLACK AUSTRALORPS!! My girls are SUPER lap chickens. They will fight over the best spot on my lap. I thought maybe when they grew up they would pull away from mommy, but they are now 18 1/2 weeks old and still they can't get enough of piling on my lap. They follow me around like drooling puppies the yard when I do "poop clean up" and come running the second they hear the door of the house slamming as they know mommy is coming with a bag full of goodies and a warm lap.
Here in this pic they were only 12 weeks old, doing what they do best.

My chickens are about 14 weeks old. I have one white rock and one EE who come sit on my lap consistently, not looking for treats, just to be petted. The 2 production reds are kinda skittish right now. The other EE is a little fickle. She occasionally jumps on my lap. The white rock roo is very stand-offish.
i vote cochin. i have a 5 mo old pullet that will let you pick her up, carry her, and even hold her on her back like a baby, shes the sweetest little thing ever:love
I am finding out that no matter how friendly and sweet all my chickens are, it's only my buff orpingtons that I am able to take outside one at a time into the garden in the evening to catch grasshoppers. They are the only ones that will stay close to me, come to me when I call and can catch easily. My really sweet SLW kept running off and even ran into the neighbor's yard, so I had to go through a barbed wire fence to get her...ouch!

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