
11 Years
Oct 17, 2008
Duncan, Az, Poultry since 1995

Howdy, i got these youngsters from a 4-H kid who was going to raise something else than chickens this year.
she didnt know which variety they were and i didnt have the new uptodate standard of perfection to figure it out.
perhaps one of you Dutch breeders could help me out here?
thank you for your time!
yep, more inclined to that name, black breasted reds in the old english game breed are to have no other color than black in the breast. the brown splashing cancels out bbr.
does anyone have the 2001 standard of perfection?
That is NOT a BBR. No respectable Dutch is EVER called a BB Red. Its correct name is Light Brown. BBR is just something that the Hatcheries use once they have been crossed with a Old English.

Those are certainly not the best looking, hatchery stock for sure on the cockerel, but the hen might be nice, hard to say from the picture. But, they will make great pets anyway which is what I am sure you wanted!
True, there is no such thing as a BBR Dutch. It looks to be hatchery stock which means it could have a lot in it's background. I think it is really unfortunate that hatcheries have massacred the Dutch to the point they have. I understand that it is impossible to keep the same standards that a breeder would and still sell the quantities they do but I really think this is unfair to the public. I'm sorry, but I don't think that the whole "pet quality" argument holds water in this case. If the birds you sell do not even come close to what the standard calls for then do NOT show pictures from the standard, show pictures of what YOUR birds look like. While none of the breeds that a typical hatchery sells usually come close to show quality, they do normally look similar to the breed. However, the Dutch have been crossed with other breeds so extensively that they cannot evenly be called Dutch anymore. Unfortunately, it is the novice that pays in the end.
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