Which is better? BYC vs FACEBOOK

I would disagree with FB being social. IMO, It's the way for a person to be the star of their own little world and to distance themselves from one another. After all, if you post personal news on FB, you are not "staying in touch", you're announcing yourself like your own press agent. If you really wanted to stay in touch with someone, you'd call them, or at least, email. And you won't change my mind about that one.
Stereotype much there, Royd? Good thing you said "most" men. My DH isn't one of those.


Some people, like me, actually like that this site is moderated. We got a good thing going on here.
There will always be members who appreciate the rules that have been established for the benefit of our families and their children and there will be those folks who are better suited to places where they can "let it all hang out", to coin a phrase from the 60's, whatever floats your boat, but that is why you will find me on BYC and not on those others-I don't appreciate the language or topics discussed on other sites or even in the presence of other live humans. I'm sure there are plenty who feel the same.

No one twists anyone's arm to be here, of course, but BYC is what it is and has no plans to change into something else, which, to my mind, would be something less desirable.
Facebook: dramabook, fightbook, sexbook, gossipbook, me, me, me book. It replaces face to face interaction to a careless level where the action of compassion is reduced to lipservice. Maybe not for all but there is a reason older mature adults do not use it much. I have no use for it

One positive thing about it the cops like it..
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I'd have to vote for BYC. I do probably check FB more often to keep in touch with friends and family on it since I moved but I still prefer this site. You can learn quite a few things while reading through the threads on this site.

I find BYC more kid friendly too. You never know what type of virus your kid might get through an app or even person that might try to contact your child on FB. Then there are all those bullying groups that kids make against another kid.
Facebook: dramabook, fightbook, sexbook, gossipbook, me, me, me book. It replaces face to face interaction to a careless level where the action of compassion is reduced to lipservice. Maybe not for all but there is a reason older mature adults do not use it much. I have no use for it

One positive thing about it the cops like it..
Well, I can share light banter with my family and friends and I don't have to be on the spot with a phone call...BTW, I pay about $70 month for a phone and use less than 1 hr per month. I pay $27 for internet and can communicate whenever, without disturbing or inconveniencing my friends.
BYC. I get going and spend hours. I have to drag myself away to go take care of the girls. Your experiences and feedback is like I know you and I have no idea who you are. You saved my hens from my disease ignorance I am forever greatful.
I voted for BYC as we all have chickens in common. But I moved from my home town and through facebook I found old friends from highschool. Who by just giving them a poke they know I am thinking of them. I also see your points as very valid.

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