Which rooster to keep, which to get rid off???


9 Years
Jun 14, 2015
Hi! I am new to the chicken world as of May. I was supposed to have 1 cockrel but ended up with 3. They are about 7.5 months and 6.5 months old. I have 9 pullets ranging in age from just starting to lay to 5 months. The cockrels and 4 of the pullets have been together since they were about 6 weeks old. All birds go in the coop at night and free range on 3 acres during the day. There is a dominant cockrel who mates and chases the others. Other than than that there has been no other aggression and they seem to have their pecking order figures out. From all that I read, it's a matter of time before I will need to re home 2 of the cockrels. My question is, how do you pick who stays and who goes? Any input is appreciated. Thanks!!
x3. Any signs of human aggression makes that bird unacceptable. Then behavior towards the pullets, and breed type. Poor conformation, lack of size, just the 'eye candy' factor. You will have very unhappy pullets with that many cockrels. Mary
Thank you all for your replies! This is a tough choice because they all act fine towards me and my family. The dominat rooster is a RIR. He is a bit smaller than the other two which I believe are "mutts". The two younger ones hang out with everyone and act like the pullets. The two crow from time to time. Is it safe to assume this behavior will change with time and they will start going after the girls even though the RIR has established himself as the boss? The two are 6.6 months old, maybe their hormones haven't really kicked in yet??
RIR has established dominance and probably won't 'let' the others mate....not to say they might not eventually challenge the RIR.
The fact that they are fine with humans probably has more to do with the proper human behaviors than the cockerels themselves.

If you have to it's probably best to rehome the other 2 and keep the RIR since he's already in charge.
But if they are all getting along in and out of the coop, you might be able to keep them all.
Always best to have a wire crate or separate enclosure ready in case you need to isolate rogue birds.
RIR has established dominance and probably won't 'let' the others mate....not to say they might not eventually challenge the RIR.
The fact that they are fine with humans probably has more to do with the proper human behaviors than the cockerels themselves.

If you have to it's probably best to rehome the other 2 and keep the RIR since he's already in charge.
But if they are all getting along in and out of the coop, you might be able to keep them all.
Always best to have a wire crate or separate enclosure ready in case you need to isolate rogue birds.
I would wait until they mature more before making a decision. You might be able to keep them all, and if you do get rid of some, you want to know you are making the best choice.

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