which sex-link?

I have a red and a black. The black just recently stopped laying everyday but I get an egg from her at least every two days. The red one lays everyday. Comparing the two eggs, the red ones eggs are much bigger and they are brown in color. The black ones are like a creamy, white-ish color.
As far as temprement: The black one won't even let me near her. She runs from everything! The red one, I had to name her Lovebug. That should give you a hint
She's more like a dog. She follows me around, lets me pick her up and will eat out of my hand. She's a sweetie.
I have a barred rock, RIRs, and black sex-links and I get plenty of nice brown eggs that are a nice size. And all the hens are good natured birds. Keep in mind that all hens when they first start laying, their egss are on the small side, but once they gear up they get bigger.
Thanks gamecock!

Aside from egglaying, do you prefer one of the crosses over another? Personality, hardiness, whatever?

And thanks to everyone else for your input as well! This is very helpful to me.
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I have Golden sex links and there awesome, lay very well, and are winter hardy. Also had Black sex links, but I found she wasnt as friendly and my gold sex links, but not all birds are the same.
I'm loving my Gold Comets, which are an RIR/RIW cross. They started laying at 20 weeks and within a week were cranking out very large brown eggs. I got them as started pullets from a hatchery, but within 2 weeks they've become quite tame. A few are kind of over-friendly!
Both lay about as well as the other but as far as temperment goes I think my GSL's are little more friendly than the BSL's.None of them are mean by any means but it seems like I can pick up my gold a little more than the black.The blacks will hang around you and all but they don't seem to like being picked up.Now that maybe just mine and your's maybe the opposite.Oh just go one and get some of both and decide for yourself.
I am so glad I found this thread because I am a very happy owner of 12 RIR's which are just adorable. And I am going to be getting my 12 Golden Red, which I believe are red sex links, this coming Wednesday, and on the 29th of April I will be getting 12 White Leghorns.

I am after good layers and after much research and talking to people on BYC I have come to the conclusion that these 3 breeds will do the best for me. I was wanting some of the Brown leghorns but they were not available
but, I am happy with what we have.

I am getting all these as pullets and my RIR's are now 2 weeks old and only a few of the 12 will run when you put your hand in the brooder and the others will come to you. I have one that I named sweeetie because she will fly right into my hand and at that time she thinks she's on top of the world.

I think if you raise them in a relatively good atmosphere and spend time with them you will make very good pets out of them, but if you don't spend any time at all with them, then I suppose they would get fiesty. Just my 2 cents worth.

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