White Cornish: Building a Quality, Sustainable Flock for Meat and More.....

He has sold at least 3 "Buy it now" auctions at this point using the same pix and description. It does not appear that any one has left feedback say'n they actually received any eggs yet thou... The highest white Cornish eggs Iv seen sell on eBay were $455
a dozen several years ago... quite a few above $350 a dozen.... They appeared to be much better stock from a seller with a trackable history. I have bid on several above $300 but the highest Iv ever actually won was $212 a dozen. He sent 24 eggs, 3 hatched..... Cornish eggs are famous for not shipping well...
As much as I would adore to have some good WC, I couldn't justify paying anywhere near that much for eggs, especially from what looks to be mediocre stock. That's not saying good stock wouldn't be worth paying for, however. I finally bought some Malay and Thai Gamefowl eggs after searching high and low for good stock. Besides adoring the look of the breeds and wanting to show them, I'm planning on trying a few outcrosses with my New Hampshires and White Rocks. I'd love to come up with a faster growing gigantor meat bird. I love your set up, by the way. Aside from looking spectacular, I bet those are some amazing tasting birds.
This weekends cold snap and snow sorta put the brakes on the start of laying season. But I finally got eggs from all three pens, in the same day, yesterday. Only one egg today thou. Pen A birds were actually moved about 10 days ago, so I expected them to be a bit slower. Their first egg was laid yesterday. But I have 18 eggs now and this will be the first fertility test of the year! My bator is warmed up and I guess we're off!!

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Those eggs look brown. Why was I thinking WC lay white eggs.

Cornish eggs are sort of unique thou. They are not as "egg shaped" as most other chickens. You can usually pick out Cornish eggs from others by shape alone. In fact at times it is hard to tell which is the end with the air cell... Some will be almost round.... The ones below is about normal, some are much more extreme...


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Well tragedy has struck on the farm today... I lost the oldest and my favorite white Cornish rooster over night.... This would have been his second, and final breeding season. (The spiral breeding program only allows two seasons).... A lessor known trait of quality Cornish, is the roosters will sometimes "turtle"... They get so wide across the back, and very thick thighs, if they end up on their back, they can't right themselves..... This becomes more pronounced as their body type gets closer to the SOP..... I took a pic of just how I found him. No feathers out of place, no trauma what so ever. The bare keel/breast is also a trait of the breed... I weighed him just as he was..... Just a few OZ short of ten LB, 9 lb 8oz to be exact.....


I have had this happen before.... Always with the with ones who are very good birds. The Cockerel below is not quite 6 months old in the pic. I found him just in time and was able to save him. But he had already given up and was nearly dead when I found him. In fact to thought he was dead when I took this pic. He had been doing battle with a brother and showed some damage to his comb and wattles. I still have him and he is now the rooster in pen "B"...

Well tragedy has struck on the farm today... I lost the oldest and my favorite white Cornish rooster over night.... This would have been his second, and final breeding season. (The spiral breeding program only allows two seasons).... A lessor known trait of quality Cornish, is the roosters will sometimes "turtle"... They get so wide across the back, and very thick thighs, if they end up on their back, they can't right themselves..... This becomes more pronounced as their body type gets closer to the SOP..... I took a pic of just how I found him. No feathers out of place, no trauma what so ever. The bare keel/breast is also a trait of the breed... I weighed him just as he was..... Just a few OZ short of ten LB, 9 lb 8oz to be exact.....

I have had this happen before.... Always with the with ones who are very good birds. The Cockerel below is not quite 6 months old in the pic. I found him just in time and was able to save him. But he had already given up and was nearly dead when I found him. In fact to thought he was dead when I took this pic. He had been doing battle with a brother and showed some damage to his comb and wattles. I still have him and he is now the rooster in pen "B"...

poor guy...
sorry for your loss.

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