White Cornish: Building a Quality, Sustainable Flock for Meat and More.....

FV if the company doing the work is the same one we have down here
(Based out of San Antonio) it will NEVER be completed. They work once a week,once a month. There will be 10 guys standing around watching one guy work. I have stopped and told them that if they would help the guy DOING the work they might finish in the next 10 years.
Congrats on the chicks and the incubator. Its amazing what a week will do size wise ....:) :)
20170712_191528.jpg Butch is growing. Actually they all are.lol He refused to stand up.
A small and steady start to my LFWC flock. Thanks FD for the start and all the education you been giving me, FD. Priceless.

There's about 6 days between these two. Amazing what a few days means in terms of growth for them. There's more than just 2 in the brooder. The others are just camera shy.


Probably my last hatch for the summer. There are 3 different sets in the pic. The first set only had 2 duds. The second set had more than 50% did rate. If that continues for the newest set than I'll be done building until this fall. The Texas summer heat strikes in many ways.
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Glad help.... They look good! I'd bet you have a fine flock of whites by fall Frank. In a few weeks they'll both be white and you won't be able to tell for sure which is the oldest.
A few weeks ago I gave in to the broodies.... they wanted to sit so bad.... it's been outrageously hot lately. Now they have started to hatch early. They were all due tomorrow... I found a dead one in pen C tonight, the hens were still on the nest so I suspect there are more there or pipped... one in pen A is standing like she is guarding a chick and growls at me.... Pen B is more open about it. I saw at least 6 and there may be more.... I gave all the first ones 12 eggs each for their clutch. Two more started on their own shortly after. I don't know how well they'll fair in the pens with the others.... but I guess we'll see.....

You've done some great things with your flock. I really admire your birds and the work you've put in.

How many broodies did you have?

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