White dots on comb...have seen pictures here, but no definitive diagnosis. So, here's a picture of o

I'm not certain, but my theory is that the chalky, hard, white deposit in the pea comb of my Brahma is an egg sac from body lice. My flock started to look pretty bedraggled and I soon discovered they were crawling with lice. Egg production had nearly ceased completely. I decided to do a preliminary worming with Wazine in their water and I dusted them all with a mix of diatomaceous earth and garden dust the same day. I used an empty shavings bag and shook them well with only their heads sticking out. Ten days later, I followed up with another treatment using Ivomec Ivermectin cattle pour-on wormer, using 1/2 a cc per bird. I used a plastic syringe, no needle, and put it on the skin on the backs of their necks. This is supposed to kill internal and external parasites. I started with the Wazine and the dust as I read you can kill your birds by going straight to the Ivermectin if you have never wormed before. The chalky deposit is now crumbling off, egg production is returning to normal and everyone is now gaining weight and looking healthy. From now on, I plan to use Ivermectin or Eprinex twice a year to maintain. I disgusted that I didn't catch the lice sooner. I often checked, but not well enough...the lice are fast and difficult to spot. Sadly, I lost a few nice pullets before I caught on.
Hey Dawg,

Wasn't able to source any monistat, but did buy some Daktarin for athletes foot. The box says 2% miconazole.

Do you know if this will do the trick too?

Applied it 2 x so far, last night and then again this morning. Her comb is now looking a little blackish! Is the miconazole strength perhaps too strong? Maybe I shouldn't be putting it on twice a day?

Thoughts please.

Many thanks
Just wanted to give an update:

The Daktarin does not seem to have helped at all. In fact I would say it's definitely worse now! This morning I decided to gently scrub all their combs with soapy water and rinse off. Underneath all the cheesy gunk were beautiful bright red combs. I can tell that the cheesy stuff is definitely dead skin cause it was kinda peeling off in little bits. After this treatment I soaked their combs with straight Betadine solution/

Any thoughts on what I should try next please?

As mentioned in previous post, it would seem I cannot get Monistat here in Thailand.

I do however happen to have 100% pure coconut oil and also a bag of Flowers of Sulphur. Would a mix of these help perhaps.

I've attached a photo of one of the roosters just prior to the soaking/scrubbing. Note: On all the chickens, it is the combs only that are affected. All their wattles and skin around eyes are completely clear. This problem has been ongoing for over 8 weeks now.

Many thanks
You can try the coconut oil, you might be dealing with a different type of fungus. Hopefully the coconut oil will take care of it as fungal infections are difficult to treat and get rid of, give it time to work....much like a yeast infection.
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Thanks Dawg for your reply....I was hoping you'd see my post

So straight coconut oil then. Are you not a fan of Flowers of Sulphur, or is it just not suitable in this instance? (Just trying to learn as I go).

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