White langshan personality


11 Years
Nov 27, 2008
I'm thinking of get some white langshan hens. Are they friendly? I have small children 3 and 6. Thanks
Well, i have a black langshan pullet......and she is the MOST, i repeat MOST laid back bird i've EVER had.

She just stands there and looks around, most of the time. NEVER talks. At first, I thought there was something wrong with her - but no shes fine. She jumps around, cleans her feathers, eats fine, ect ect....

Shes just so....laid back. I have sussex, faverolle, EE, rock, australorp, cochin, and wyandotte hens/pullets....shes the most docile of ALL of them. I love her to peices! just the prettiest little girl, and so sweet. And tall! Only about 6 months old, and shes already as tall or TALLER than my year old hens!

Just love her to bits. And she came from a HATCHERY no less.

Im almost sure if you get some good, healthy langshan hens, you should be perfectly happy with them!

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