White Leghorn or RI or New Hampshire Red

Leghorns are Mediterranean chickens. Mediterranean chickens are less corrupted by the hand and eye of man than any other breed of chicken with the possible exception of the Malay and Aisle.

The Red Jungle Fowl and the Leghorns are almost the same body type. The fact that man has not corrupted the Leghorn as much as he has the other "Breeds" is the reason that they have the reputation of being flighty. What bird taken out of the wild is not "Flighty"
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Leghorns get a bad rap in my opinion. They have been the smartest of my birds and the easiest to train. They have also been the quietest of my birds. No egg song. Just lay the egg and move on, no big deal.

They are called flighty because of their small bodies as they can fly. A great skill for survival.

All of my leghorns have been friendly but I spent time with them. Here is Daisy. She was not content to wait for the lasagna dish to be lowered to the ground, flighty and friendly. Daisy laid 360 eggs one year as well.

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I only have one leghorn, but she isn't any noisier than the rest of my birds and really isn't any more skittish either. I'd recommend them and intend to pick up another one when I make some changes to my flock in the spring. It's funny, everyone loves those brown "farm" eggs, but when you're getting tons of brown eggs they start looking a bit boring, adding some white ones in breaks things up and makes your egg carton a little more flashy.
Quieter than all of my other hens in my experience. But remember they are individuals and any individual bird can be noisier than the breed in general.

I only have one leghorn, but she isn't any noisier than the rest of my birds and really isn't any more skittish either. I'd recommend them and intend to pick up another one when I make some changes to my flock in the spring. It's funny, everyone loves those brown "farm" eggs, but when you're getting tons of brown eggs they start looking a bit boring, adding some white ones in breaks things up and makes your egg carton a little more flashy.

Tha ks!! They do seem like good birds

And ueah, brown eggs are boring lol that's shy I like my Easter Eggers. At least 2 of the 7 eggs are colorful lol used to be 8 eggs total but I lost one hen but that was really boring when it waa 6 brown eggs lol
I find all of the colors are more dramatic if you have a white one in the mix for reference. Just like the hens themselves.

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