White rooster with small black markings?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Oct 2, 2013
I bought some pullets from a guy for my other coop a few days ago and he threw in a rooster for free because he was about to change them out anyways.


I thought it was a Leghorn at first, but the combs don't match up. He is over a year old, has some light gold on his wings and small black marks on his neck, wing areas, and some underneath him as well.

Sorry if the photo isn't that great, I was about 30 feet away and had to zoom in because he's barely ever been touched by humans.
Does he have a modified peacomb? Wonder if he is a leghorn mixed with an EE or something like that.
The genes that make the white in a white Leghorn are extremely dominant. Any time you hatch a white Leghorn x ?? egg, you're going to get a white bird with some leakage, like the bird in the photo. Some commercial hatcheries make Leghorn cross hybrids, like the Cali White or the Tetra Tint, and those are all white birds with red or black leakage. There's no way to tell the parentage of this bird without other cues such as a modified pea comb and beard (EE mix) or feathered feet, or the leg color, etc.

For example, I have some Leghorn crosses that are out of my Lemon Blue Cuckoo Marans rooster, and some out of a wheaten Ameraucana. You can't tell the difference between the pullets except for the weird combs in the Ameraucana crosses and the feathers on the feet in the Marans crosses. Otherwise they look identical to each other, and to the OP's cockerel.
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I agree with WoS, one parent looks to have been a leghorn and that dominant white just covers up pretty much everything. Really, who knows what the other parent was, but Easter egger is as good a guess as any here, even the other parent itself being an ee/leghorn mix.

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