white silkie attacked


7 Years
Jun 10, 2012
my white silkie hen was attacked by my rooster ,they are separated now but she has wounds on her head.What kind of meds can I get for her so her head wont get infected,or any natural home remedie can I give her please help I am new at this .and would Pet Smart have these meds or do I need to go to a Feed store to purchase these meds Thanks for your help.
Feed stores usually carry a product called Wonderdust, which is a great topical antiseptic for open, non-bleeding wounds. If the wound is bleeding, Blood Stop Powder works well for this, forming a black covering that stops the bleeding, keeps out infection, and seals the wound as it heals. If you have any flowers of sulfur on hand (powdered sulfur) that works great, too (usually sold online, and at health food stores). I don't think a Petsmart would have them unless they sold horse supplies there. Good luck!

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