White spots on BO eggshell


Araucana enthusiast
5 Years
Mar 16, 2016
North Central IN
My Coop
My Coop
I know others have posted this before, getting an egg like this on occasion or from a new layer, but I have a buff orpington pullet that has been laying for a little over a month now and consistently lays eggs with these white spots on them. Sometimes just a few spots, sometimes loaded. There is texture to the spots, but do not flake off. I've tried to wash them off and all they do is turn dark when I get them wet and go back to white when dry. None of the other pullets are laying eggs like this and they are all on the same diet. I thought she'd outgrow it but no such luck. I'd like to start selling some eggs but don't want to sell hers looking like this (personally it doesn't bother me but you know how people can be). Any ideas why she is laying eggs like this and if there is anything I can do nutritionally to stop it?

You are SO LUCKY!!! I've got a hen who lays like that from time to time. She is an artist
. It isn't anything to be worried about - we used to have a brahma who laid eggs with purple spots.
'cause they are chickens, not machines!
Barring an obvious health problem, its nothing to worry about.
From time to time they will all lay speckled eggs, bumpy eggs, wrinkled eggs, small eggs, double yolkers, oblong eggs, soft shells, etc.....
Its all fine.
Just make sure they are well fed, get enough calcium and lots of water. And enjoy the variation.
Go ahead and sell them. If anyone asks, this is a more "natural" egg than anything you'd buy in the store. If someone is bothered by it, make sure they get a dozen without that speckled egg. The people who get eggs from me enjoy the funky ones. Those who want the boring pristine white ones can go to the store and get them. ;)
Actually I'm pretty sure it's a spotty concentration of the thin protective film they in case the eggshell in to shield it from bacteria, I have a couple of hens who do it to. For some reason it seems to be pretty common in orpingtons
'Speckled' eggs can happen for several different reasons...very few, if any, of which are a 'problem'.
Can be caused by:
Excess or uneven pigment coating.
Excess or uneven cuticle(bloom).
Excess calcium deposits.
Porous eggs can appear speckled.
Some birds lay them consistently, some only once in awhile.
The pigment or bloom can change appearance when wet, then change back when dry again.

As long as bird is getting a good diet and is healthy in every other way, it is no cause for concern.

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