White yokohama from Cackle Hatchery

wow. do these birds have any functionality other than the obvious? are they just show, or do they sell the feathers or something.
maybe thats a dumb question, but i just cant wrap my brain around caring for 10 feet of tail feather........ im sure there are shows with prize money so i answered my own question.

Yep, I'm sure it's just an art form, more than anything. The pride that they get of being able to maintain birds to have tails that long is the reward I would think, I would imagine they also show them and would sell any feathers that fall out themselves, but of course they wouldn't luck them or anything.
yep all that plus breeder males of that caliper, sell for $1500 or so each, some double that. Solely ornamental, and fully dependant on humans for survival, they wouldnt make it on their own with all the special care needs they have.
That is correct. Phoenix and Yokos are not the same breed. And phoenix do not get 20ft long tails, ( A well bred phoenix could get a 3-4 ft long tail with good care). Japanese Onagadori are the only ones that can get tails up to 20ft long and that reguires EXSTREAM maintainance and care.

Yokohama's have pea combs and phoenix have single combs.
I have a per of yokos from cackle I have them
on a special diet eating dog food the hen is
laying eggs every other day and the rooster is
growing a beautiful tail.
here's a video link of my yokos.


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what kind of illness is this?
my yokohama chicks look really sick theirs flesh have turned dark they have good weigh and eat well, breathing problem they swallow with a little difficult.
does anyone know what this is?
help please.
need a little more info, pics would help. Poop discription, skin /comb color faded? etc. Theres such a wide array of stuff they can get from coccidia, enteritis, other parasites and bacterial infection, heavy worm loads. MG, etc...

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