Whiting True Green laying brown eggs?


6 Years
Apr 18, 2018
Coal Creek Canyon, Colorado
Hi, I have two Whiting True Green pullets who just started laying. One lays lovely olive green eggs, and the other is laying light brown. The two birds look identical, and it actually took me a few days to convince myself that that's where the new light brown eggs were coming from. I know WTG is a relatively new breed. Is this a recessive trait that's known to happen sometimes? Has anyone else had q Whiting True Green who didn't lay true green?
Brown is recessive to green. (Well, more like not-blue is recessive to blue, and brown over blue makes green. But it works out to the same thing in this case.)
From the Pics about the "Breed" it seems like nothing more than single combed Easter Eggers

From what I understand, the only thing Whiting True Greens and Whiting True Blues are bred for is predictable egg color. Which is why I was surprised.

For anyone interested, I have now confirmed that the WTG is laying the brown eggs. I stalked her and watched her lay one. She's one of my best new layers. Just not what I expected!
From what I understand, the only thing Whiting True Greens and Whiting True Blues are bred for is predictable egg color. Which is why I was surprised.

That's what I thought too, and then I went and re-read the descriptions. McMurray says the Blues will breed true for blue egg color, but it does not say that about the Greens.

Given how many breeds lay brown eggs, and how many lay white eggs, I'm rather impatient for when there will be a choice of many breeds that lay blue eggs or green eggs. Of course, that time could still be a long ways in the future.
I agree, I would complain. It does not state anywhere in their description that you have a possibility of brown eggs. Though with most olive egger hybrids, depending on breeds used, you can expect 5-10 % to lay brown eggs. In the reviews page under the breed description on McMurray's website, there are others who have had the same experience, so they should be aware if this. Good luck! :)

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