Who clips their chickens wings?


10 Years
Jul 31, 2009
Davis County, Utah
I clipped mine when I first got them because they were all older and kept flying out of my coop area. Just wondering how common it is to clip their wings.
All our birds that are in the large free range area are clipped. All our birds in the breeding pens are not clipped. We clip our birds about every 3 months. We only clip one wing to throw off their balance.
I clip one wing on the chickens that exhibit an unhealthy (for them) curiousity and insist on jumping my backyard fence.
i clipped all my girls a few months ago for they were going over the fence. I did only one wing and i didn't have to do my roo for he has only got one wing.
Do you clip a chickens wing like you would a pet bird? Having worked in a pet store ive done plenty of parakeets and cockatiels but never a chicken.
I only clip the bantam - she has an intense curiosity for the outside world - including flying down the hill, across the street and into the creek area - where she stayed for about a month and a half (in coyote land) before returning to the coop looking for food.

She gets both wings because one simply does not do the trick for her.
I clip my birds wings as well. They have a free range area, but I dont want them going over the fence or across the road. An easy way for us to clip wings is- Grab them by both feet, hang them upside down, wait till they qiut flapping and calm down ( about 10 seconds usually) then they will usually spread their wings full out. Thats when I take the scissors to only the long outer feathers (flight feathers) and cut them till they are about even in length with the shorter feathers closer to their body. I also only clip one wing, for a couple of reasons- One, I worry they might get cold with both sides cut short, and two, I just *know* they feel less pretty and personally assalted by having their beautiful long feathers cut off by some hack with no beauticians license
!! I cut hens and roo's alike, I dont worry too much about predators due to the fencing and lots of hiding places in their pen, we keep a close watch on them too!

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