Who Crows... The Neighbors Dilema


Apr 16, 2023
A few days ago my neighbor waved me over and seemed angry. He began by stating that I had spoken to him about my flock and my decision to have a rooster. He began complaining about my cockerel crowing at 5 am and how he is angry and disturbed by hearing it (in his house) that early in the morning. I was a little perplexed since I too hear 2 different roosters in the morning... But they are not mine 😉. I explained that my rooster is kept in the Coop until 8 am and with over an acre and walls of Coop between him and them, and I have verified this over and over, you cannot hear my cockerel. Now the other two..One is definitely free range and I can hear him crow up and down the ridge and the other is a cockerel and sounds immature...is 3 houses up on the OTHER side of my neighbor and boy does he go all out from 4:45am to about 7ish. My neighbor is unhappy and doesn't seem to know who's cockerel is causing him to be angry. I suggested that he look up the road but it is not Leroy. The sad thing is, I have offered him eggs ( which he says no way we can't eat free range because eeww and my birds are not free range but it made me chuckle because ugh!!! He must have never seen commercial farms and the chickens living conditions for those store bought eggs mmhmm 🤢) and is resistant to any open kindness. I am very aware of my neighbors and their feelings and have been diligent in keeping the peace and reaching out to speak to them about plans I have for my property, however, I am completely within my townships rights and there isn't much he can do even if it was Leroy (which it isn't)! I suppose the moral of this story for me was, no matter how engaging and understanding and open you are with your neighbors, you can't make everyone happy. Also the new cockerel started crowing a few days before my Chickies were moved to their Coop, so he is only a little older than my group I assume. I can only hope my neighbor adjusts to this new sound (we are rural after all and there is no telling whom else may decide to keep chickens in the next few weeks and months).
I am glad you have learned that you cannot please everyone. Nor should you bother to try. When it comes to the use of your property that you paid for just ensure you are following the ordinances laid out by the municipality under which you reside.

we are rural
The next time he complains suggest he move into the city! When you live in the country you need to expect that there are going to be noises from animals that live in the country.
Sorry about your neighbor, but thank goodness you are within your rights to keep your rooster.

It reminds me of some folks who bought houses in a new subdivision of the town where I used to live. The properties back up against a creek and some woods. The new folks began complaining that there were deer in their backyards. How on earth could they have expected that?

Perhaps your neighbor (who SHOULD be horrified over the conditions that produce commercial eggs) would be happier living in a more urban setting, surrounded by the sounds of loud vehicles, out of control children. and/or people playing music all hours of the day and night. I certainly don't miss any of those noises!

Best wishes with Leroy and the rest of your flock, and keep on being kind. It's never the wrong answer, even when it's not returned.
Sorry about your neighbor, but thank goodness you are within your rights to keep your rooster.

It reminds me of some folks who bought houses in a new subdivision of the town where I used to live. The properties back up against a creek and some woods. The new folks began complaining that there were deer in their backyards. How on earth could they have expected that?

Perhaps your neighbor (who SHOULD be horrified over the conditions that produce commercial eggs) would be happier living in a more urban setting, surrounded by the sounds of loud vehicles, out of control children. and/or people playing music all hours of the day and night. I certainly don't miss any of those noises!

Best wishes with Leroy and the rest of your flock, and keep on being kind. It's never the wrong answer, even when it's not returned.
A side note to this: He is hands down one of the loudest neighbors we have. Music pumped up, parties well into the night, turkey calling off of his back porch, loud machinery all week long, and of course his 5 indoor/outdoor cats (that he does not claim ownership of but brings in every morning for breakfast) that roam and poo and pee in my flower gardens and property. I do not complain about his cats.. they seem to enjoy my children and hang out on my patios and walk down to the pasture with us (though they do poop in my gardens) they keep mice and voles and things away as well.
I'm sort of in the same pickle. I've had this problem for years. Neighbors complain about the males crowing. Thing is, I've known all of them since I've been a wee lad, so I do want to keep things civil with them
I am new to this "neighborhood" but my children are going to grow up here. Most of my neighbors are older but I still don't want them spending the twilight years of their life irritated with the "new neighbors". I suppose the only thing I can really do is kill the animosity with kindness 🥰. I try to give small gifts and desserts (cause I like to make homemade peanut butter fudge in large batches) and cards and just say hi and visit when I can. Again the one neighbor is in his late 70s so I visit him more to see how he is doing. He likes my food 😆. This is the only solution I can think of for my situation. Also I want my children to see that anger and nasty really only feel good for that hot minute, but kindness can change the world and be a lasting impression.
I am new to this "neighborhood" but my children are going to grow up here. Most of my neighbors are older but I still don't want them spending the twilight years of their life irritated with the "new neighbors". I suppose the only thing I can really do is kill the animosity with kindness 🥰. I try to give small gifts and desserts (cause I like to make homemade peanut butter fudge in large batches) and cards and just say hi and visit when I can. Again the one neighbor is in his late 70s so I visit him more to see how he is doing. He likes my food 😆. This is the only solution I can think of for my situation. Also I want my children to see that anger and nasty really only feel good for that hot minute, but kindness can change the world and be a lasting impression.
Sounds like your neighbor that's blaming you for other peoples roosters is just one of those people that will be angry and unpleasant no matter what the issue. What a shame people have to act that way. I agree 100% with how you are handling it. Good for you!
I am new to this "neighborhood" but my children are going to grow up here. Most of my neighbors are older but I still don't want them spending the twilight years of their life irritated with the "new neighbors". I suppose the only thing I can really do is kill the animosity with kindness 🥰. I try to give small gifts and desserts (cause I like to make homemade peanut butter fudge in large batches) and cards and just say hi and visit when I can. Again the one neighbor is in his late 70s so I visit him more to see how he is doing. He likes my food 😆. This is the only solution I can think of for my situation. Also I want my children to see that anger and nasty really only feel good for that hot minute, but kindness can change the world and be a lasting impression.

I've bribed the neighbors with eggs, figs lemons and oranges for years, the effects are wearing off😆. The only difference is that this area is mostly summer houses, so people come and live during the summer, and they want to relax and decompress, not having to hear crows at 5 am. So we try to give the males away before summer. As I'm getting more serious with breeding though, this is simply not possible. Oh well🤣
I've bribed the neighbors with eggs, figs lemons and oranges for years, the effects are wearing off😆. The only difference is that this area is mostly summer houses, so people come and live during the summer, and they want to relax and decompress, not having to hear crows at 5 am. So we try to give the males away before summer. As I'm getting more serious with breeding though, this is simply not possible. Oh well🤣
I think being kind and saying "Oh well" are seriously all you can do. As DLA mentioned, some people just like to complain or be miserable 😞. I agree that my neighbor is one who likes to "control" the people around him. I had a tree service out (paid 2k US dollars for said service) and the tree borders his property...he decided to tell them what he wanted in terms of branches cut for his convenience... I feel that was overstepping but..again I figured if it makes him happy to tell the tree guys what to do and it turned out decent "Oh well". However, my husband thinks fences make good neighbors 👍. An acre and a half privacy fence oiy $$$$ lol 😂

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