Who Else Has A Broody In January!?!?!

Aw, that is too bad. Were they infertile? We're pretty lucky, it's been a "nice" winter.

Funny so many people have unwanted broodies! I know I will be in that boat this coming summer. My Ameraucanas better not go broody, please please no. But when my mixed hatchery stock pullet starts laying that is pretty cool! She is also about 7 months.
good luck to everyone
Thanks for uploading those pics!! I need to get my camera charged up and take a pic of Lil Buffy on her eggs.

A few days ago, before I realized she was brooding, I noticed she had three eggs BEHIND her. So I wonder how good of a hatch she will have. Bless her for trying!
I have a partridge colored silkie named Callie that is sitting on 8 mixed breed eggs, they are due to hatch on 1/27. She shares the duties with Cetawynn our splash silkie, and a white silkie with no name. I love watching them share, they are so cute.


Edited to add picture
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Aw, that is too bad. Were they infertile? We're pretty lucky, it's been a "nice" winter.

Funny so many people have unwanted broodies! I know I will be in that boat this coming summer. My Ameraucanas better not go broody, please please no. But when my mixed hatchery stock pullet starts laying that is pretty cool! She is also about 7 months.

Just about every egg I get out of that coop (the brahma coop) is fertile, so I'm not sure what the problem was.

I have another broody now, a silkie. Seems like the colder it gets the more broodies I have.
I bet they're just bored and thats why they are all hunkering down. I know I would be! All summer they get to fart around in the yard free ranging but in the winter there's nothing to do but stare at each other, lol.
I do, I do!!

The only one out of 12 hens! she is an EE and has been growling, hissing, and biting at any of the other hens if they come within 1 ft. of her nest box! She has 12 eggs of mixed breeding under her. I marked them and am only going to allow her to set on 12 at a time. Any extras will be pulled from the nest and set aside for putting into the incubator once this clutch is done hatching

Congrats Livinwright!! I hope she hatches those chicks out for you. She is a very nice looking hen. I just love EE's.

A second hen is trying to go broody but I'm trying to keep her out of the habit. She's up for sale, the little goof, so she better not pretend to go broody to escape being sold again, it wont work this time!!!

How is everyones broody doing? Mines still sitting away. She's moved her eggs from one side to the other side of the drawer she is in (we have a big chest of drwarers as a nesting box). Still havent got the chutzpah to look under her and see how many she has. She just looks so dedicated I dont want to spook her! I'm a big wimp.

Thanks for sharing pics of Callie, is she ever FLUFFY!!
I had my hatchery GLW go broody a week after I set eggs for the new years day hatch. I figured she'd give up but I let her do it nonetheless. Well, on 7 and 8 January she hatched out 3 chicks: a black NNxNN, a white leghornxNN and an EExNN. The EE is the only one without a NN.

On Saturday when I got up it was -10 outside, and no I don't heat the coop but it is insulated. The chicks and momma are doing fine although I wish their water would stop freezing.



It's also amazing to me to see the difference already between broody raised chicks and human raised chicks.

The chicks that I hatched in my incubator for new years are in a brooder in my basement. They get optimal commercially available nutrition, unfrozen water, heat lamp and selected snacks. They're feathering in quite nicely. They're skittish of anything "new" I throw in the brooder: meal worms, crickets, maggots.

The broody raised chicks aren't growing as well and although age-wise they're a week behind the others, they're more like 10 days behind based upon looks. They hardly have any feathers. However, I when I throw meal worms in (I bypassed the smaller maggots and crickets) they go right down to it. I watched the baby EE'er knock back about 8 good sized meal worms with Mommy's prompting just a few minutes ago. Those kids are fearless.

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