Who else is waiting for that first egg?

How old are the chickens that you buy from the produce store? I'd guess they must not be point of lay???? I suppose if I rang up and asked, they would tell me, or maybe next time I go in for a bag of food, I'll ask them then..... I'll wait ever so patiently....well I'll try to.

Raining today so they are all sheltered and scratching for bugs rather than picking at the greens around.
Maybe I could get some advice? I have 6 chickens about 15/16 weeks old
3 Delaware
Their all about the same age
Well one of the RIR's has been off by herself most of the time, she is slightly smaller than the others
When they eat,free ranging or just hanging out.
Is this normal ?
Think she's being bullied?
She might just be the lowest in the pecking order. Or it might just be her personality. If she doesn't have any injuries and she can get to the coop, the food and water she is probably fine. My Roo is younger and smaller and he was bullied pretty bad but it was because he was new and small. They wouldn't let him in the coop at night. I had to carry him in a put him in the rafters. The runt of my original hens never had an issue just because of her size.
Got our 1st egg! Not sure from which one (black autralorp, New Hampshire red, or EE 19/20 weeks) good size though found it on the ground under the waterer
She might just be the lowest in the pecking order.  Or it might just be her personality.  If she doesn't have any injuries and she can get to the coop, the food and water she is probably fine.  My Roo is younger and smaller and he was bullied pretty bad but it was because he was new and small.  They wouldn't let him in the coop at night.  I had to carry him in a put him in the rafters.  The runt of my original hens never had an issue just because of her size.  

Thanks, I know she's not injured.
Just by herself alot but I'll keep an eye on her and if thing change I know where to turn...BYC
So we just started our first "flock" because a friend at work had to order more chicks than he wanted. So, long story short we ended up with 2. A RIR and a black Australorp. They are now4 weeks old and I'm rushing to finish the restomod of our 12'x12' shed with electricity into a chicken coop. I already want more but the wife has put her foot down until I prove I will be cleaning out the coop on the -30*F Vermont winters. Here's to waiting......

Good luck brother. I am thinking about getting 5 or 6 turkey next year.
My girls are just 17 weeks old and one just started laying last week in the nesting box every other day, yesterday I found an egg near the fience so I guess I have a new layer. I have 4 Plymouth rocks, 6 ee,1 ri, 3 bo, 1 leghorn, and the rest of them to make 22 hens are all cinnamon queens.
I was over excited to get my first egg!

Everyone is getting nice red combs and waddles. It's so exciting
I was out today giving the flock fresh water when I heard a crooning noise coming from the coop. I carefully peeked inside and saw the Alpha rooster, a big 14 week old Buff O named Big Red, sitting comfortably in one of the nesting boxes and just talking away to the attentive Buff hen that was sitting nearby. I stood and watched them for a minute and couldn't resist telling her to listen to her man, blast it and get in that nest and lay an egg!

He's been chattering to the hens all day and moving from one next box to another. I think he wants to be a dad.

I am eagerly awaiting my first egg! Seems to be taking forever to get here. Haha I have 12 Isa browns that are 12 weeks old today. I did tell them today that egg prices are going way up and I'm not keeping no free loaders. I'm pretty sure they know I'm lying though. Did have one sing a little of the egg song tonight. Think she's trying to psych me out.
Yes, I have two Welsummer hens that are singing the egg song every time I give them a slice of bread. I'd be excited except the two Welsummer Roosters are also singing the same song when they manage to get a chunk of bread to call their own and are wandering around with it in their beaks looking for a place to hide and eat it.

They are little teases.

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