Who else is waiting for that first egg?

You can feel the pelvis bones just under the vent area. Find the vent, then feel around just underneath and to the sides.

I managed to check a couple of my hens today. I checked the ones whose combs have gotten bigger and darker within the last week or so. I managed to find the pelvis bones and a RIR and a BO both had bones that were opened about a finger width. I will continue to check them about once a week. what is the approximate measurement at which I should start watching for them to squat and nest around in the boxes? Thanks so much for all the help! I'm getting excited!!
There needs to be enough room in between the pelvic bones for a pullet egg to pass through. That means that if there is less than two fingers width of space, there isn't enough room. They can squat and play around in the nest boxes long before eggs happen, or they might not show any signs until that first egg randomly falls out.
Here's Lacey in action and Phil who isn't laying yet very curiously watching the whole operation.
Granny good morning,let's see it was 17 1/2 weeks. The day I found the eggs,in the morning I noticed squatting behavior. Later in the day by 1 BAM EGGS.How old are your girls?
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I let the birds out of the coop this morning and found an egg. Can anyone help me figure out who it came from? The one on the left is the egg in question kind of a yellowish green with some speckles, the one on the right is from our Isa Brown. So here are the possible culprits: 2 EE (I think they are the prime suspects), 3 RIR (only 2 have red combs & waddles), 2 Black Jersey Giants or 1 Black Australorp (combs/waddles on those 3 are still small). All are almost 18 weeks old.

Also we have 1 Peking & 2 Rouen hens, but I dont think they are close to laying yet.
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