Who else is waiting for that first egg?

This is probably a silly question...but does double yolk eggs just happen randomly or is it a specific breed that does it. And if so, what breed? I'm not new to chickens, but I don't remember any eggs being double yolk. But I've mostly been around RIRs or farm mutts. It will be interesting to know if any of the breeds I own today may lay some double yolkers.

I would like to know as well! lol.
woohooo mine are 18 weeks old, you gave me hope! I live in sw Missouri hope you have ear plugs where ever you are yo will hear me whooten n hollering for joy. I dreamed they laid 20 eggs in a pile I found but I didn't know how long they had been there and had to throw them away :-( I'm loosin sleep over these chickens lol
I'm in the same boat! We have four older chickens (two Delaware, one Red Russian Orloff, and one Barnevelder) that are twelve weeks old yesterday, and thirteen younger pullets (when can you start calling them pullets vs. chicks or hens???) that I believe are about eight or nine weeks old. They're a mix of breeds; ten Golden Lace Wyandottes, two that I'm not sure of, and one that I believe is an Americauna cross. I'm not expecting anything for quite some time, but the other night one of our older twelve-week old Delawares started making that "I'm going to lay an egg" sound and started wandering towards the house. Nothing ended up happening, but we're planning on getting nesting boxes built this weekend just in case! 

We're going through a ton of store-bought eggs, and the chickens are eating...and eating...and eating. Hopefully they'll start earning their keep soon!
I got my first egg on Tuesday! The oldest 5 are 3 RIR, 15 weeks old. Though there are 3 hatched at the same time, only one seems to be laying: one egg a day. Not complaining, mind you. It's been forever.
Have a total of 3 at 15 weeks, 3 at 12 weeks, 3 at 6 weeks. We had our first breakfast today with brown eggs!!
This may sound weird..but my chickens seem to prefer afternoon egg laying will this change since they are just beginning?
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All my girls love to sleep together in one box lol there is plenty room they are all 16 wks and my RIR layed their first eggs yesterday and none today
Cute birds - but if I am reading your post correctly it sounds as though your birds are sleeping in the nest box? If that is the case, this is a habit you want to break - especially now that the eggs are coming in as the last thing you want is nest boxes full of poop (they expel a LOT of waste in the overnight roosting hours due to the amount of digestion that takes place at that time while they are in one, set place). If this has been something that you have allowed until now it is going to take a bit of work to change their routine and get them roosting on the roost and using the nest boxes for what they are meant, to nest in while laying eggs. One approach is to block their access to the boxes about half an hour before "bedtime" so that they can't get into the box and will look for a different place to sleep - thus finding the roost. Another option is to go out at roost time and physically lift each bird out of the nest box and place them on the roost - eventually they get the idea of where they are supposed to be when it's time to settle in for the night. While nest box sleeping is not unusual for young birds to develop a habit of doing, sometimes the cause is more to do with the layout of the coop - can you tell us a bit more (or show a photo of) the interior of your coop?

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