Who else is waiting for that first egg?

If you bought them from a feed store or hatchery, they are probably Easter Eggers. True Ameraucana are rare, and they cost a lot more than the average chick. They only lay blue eggs. With an Easter Egger, there is no guarantee of egg color, they can lay blue, green, or brown. Americana is an intentional misspelling of Ameraucana to deceive novice buyers. Hatcheries started with some Araucana and Ameraucana, and then crossed them with other breeds to increase the lay rate. This is why Easter Eggers can vary so much.
X 2 The upshot of the whole mess is that the Easter Eggers actually tend to be better in regards to overall production than the true bred Ameraucanas - so, for the backyard flock where the attraction was the potential to have pretty eggs in the egg basket the overall misrepresentation is unethical (imo), but the resulting bird in your flock is not such a bad thing.
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Thank you all for all of this information. I've been reading up as much as I can in books for it seems like ages and I've learnt more in the last couple of weeks on line here than I've learnt from all those books.
20 weeks. I think these ladies are almost ready to lay.
Look what I found in my coop today!

This one’s from my Leghorn, Bianca. I know, because she’s the only breed I have that lays white eggs. She’s 20 weeks old today! She didn’t lay it in the box - it was right next to it. It’s a good size for a first egg, and pretty heavy for its size.

Here is a picture for comparison with a store-bought egg (on the right). Bianca’s egg is heavier than the store-bought one.
Thank you! They are our first flock and I'm in love! Have to say tho the reds are the sweetest. The brahmas are not nearly as friendly.I expected the opposite from what I've read. The poor homely girl is Ruby... She's a doll!

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