Who else is waiting for that first egg?


Here's my egg collection..the legbar's blue egg is at the front, I think there's one lurking at the back too.

Where did you get such a unique egg basket from!

First two egg day! My BR Betty layed her first egg Sunday, but I got home today and found two! Bettie's sister Wilma has started to lay as well!


Bettie's first five eggs, all layed since Sunday (she only missed Tuesday), and Wilma's egg on the bottom. Large grocery store egg for comparison.

First two egg day! My BR Betty layed her first egg Sunday, but I got home today and found two! Bettie's sister Wilma has started to lay as well!

Bettie's first five eggs, all layed since Sunday (she only missed Tuesday), and Wilma's egg on the bottom. Large grocery store egg for comparison.
My BR 1st egg was that shape and colour[practically white]too! They are a little darker now.
Hi all! Okay, a week later, and we've now got 11 eggs! By the sounds coming out of the coop this morning...we may now have 12!
Today is the big day. I'm going to make a big family breakfast with out first eggs. Now, I know I'm not supposed to wash them, but it's okay to wash them right before using them, right? Do I just rinse them off thoroughly, or do I need to scrub them hard?? I know you chicken "veterans" are laughing at me, but hey...this is all new to me! Thanks for your help. I count on your expertise!
Awesome eggs! Congrats! We too were so excited the first day we found two eggs! The whole egg-laying process, and how fast their little bodies produce eggs, fascinates me. I have a Betty & Wilma too!

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