Who else is waiting for that first egg?

The Egg Skelter! Helps to keep your eggs in order from first to last!

Where can I get one of those?

They are exploring their boxes!! Making a mess of them-squatting, very talkative!! Keeping my fingers crossed and hoping for the first egg any day now!!
They look so cute in the boxes. I am still waiting for my (makes it sound like I am laying them) first egg. Think I am driving my husband crazy... All I talk about is the wait.
Nice ones! I got my first egg yesterday and another small one today. I have been out to the coop about 5 times to check and see if there are more! I guess I need to give the hens a chance to do their thing. So hard waiting! Being away from the house all day would be so frustrating. I'm lucky to be self employed at the moment. I'd be going crazy otherwise!

Nice size eggs but the one to the far left looks really big! Congrats!
Just went out again to check on the chickens and found 2 more first eggs! That means just today I had 2 repeat layers and 3 first eggs!!!! Seems wierd to get 5 eggs so far today after 4 1/2 months of nothing. Lol

Glad your ISA's are starting to lay! I think I only have one of my 1 laying. I got one egg Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Then on Thursday and Saturday morning I got 2 soft shelled eggs while they were on the roost. I've had nothing since the two soft eggs Saturday morning.

4 of my ISA's are 16 weeks and 2 days and the other 8 are 15 weeks. The oldest 4 look like they should all be laying and 2 or 3 of the 15 week olds are really started to get bright red combs. My first ISA laid at 15 weeks and 2 days
They look so cute in the boxes. I am still waiting for my (makes it sound like I am laying them) first egg. Think I am driving my husband crazy... All I talk about is the wait.

My boyfriend and i have been having dreams about the first egg!!! Scary!!! Haha. Im heading home soon to check for the first egg..... Its only a matter of time!!
Had 2 chickens tonight acting wierd in their run. So I sat out there and watched them. All of a sudden one laid a soft shelled egg. Of course the others ate it before I could get in the run. So my fiancé went in and took the other girl out that was acting the same way to let her wander around. While waiting for her to lay her egg another girl suddenly laid a soft shelled egg in the run. Of course I didn't see that one coming, so they ate that one too. Finally the one we took out laid her egg and it was soft shelled. They didn't get that one. Lol These 3 were laid right before going into the coop for bedtime. Could that be why they didn't have a shell? But atleast I got 5 earlier with beautiful shells and then the 3 soft shelled. Hope they work their kinks out. :) but it does make 4 first eggs on a good note.
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