Who else is waiting for that first egg?


Yeah! I finally got my 1st egg yesterday from one of my 8 girls that turned 20 weeks on Monday.

Not sure who it's from & haven't gotten another one yet from anyone.

All 8 are a different breed. A Delaware, a Dominique, a Buff Chancelor, a Speckled Sussex, a Barred Rock, a White Cochin, a Golden Laced Wyandotte & a Cukoo Marans. I suspect it's the Delaware or Dominique, but not sure.

That's a unique looking egg, surely someone knows what lays such a beauty! (not me though lol)

24 weeks old, and we JUST started getting our first eggs! Of course, the teensiest bantam that I got just for fun was the first to start laying, not the layer breeds! (Though the wyandotte quickly followed)
Those eggs are gorgeous! What a pleasant surprise to find so many beautiful eggs. My chicks are still holding out- they'll be 19 weeks Sunday and still no eggs, even from our Red Sex Link. Lazy freeloading chickens. But congratulations on your lovely eggs!
LOL at lazy freeloaders! I have 3 BO 20+wks, 3 EE 20 wks, 9 younger. Nothing. Don't even look at the nest box. One BO squatting for a week. But they sure do love alfalfa, squash, tomatoes, watermelon, meal worms...FREELOADERS! I'm going to put a couple roasting pansin the coop with the nest boxes, ask them which one they would rather LAY in!
We started a lottery at home for the first egg. Our Marans are 18 weeks now (we have 2 Blue Splash, 2 Black Copper, 1 Golden Cuckoo, & 1 Silver Cuckoo). So far the money seems to be on the golden...but no one chose anything closer than several weeks out.
LOL at lazy freeloaders! I have 3 BO 20+wks, 3 EE 20 wks, 9 younger. Nothing. Don't even look at the nest box. One BO squatting for a week. But they sure do love alfalfa, squash, tomatoes, watermelon, meal worms...FREELOADERS! I'm going to put a couple roasting pansin the coop with the nest boxes, ask them which one they would rather LAY in!
Let us know which they choose!
There was 1 more larger egg when I got home last night.
This morning a poorly formed egg and an egg that if I were to pick it up it would have broken both under the roost.
I checked before work and no eggs toda.
So this was my total take yesterday
Got my first egg at lunch today!!! I checked the nesting box when I first got home, and scared a hen out of the box. I exited quickly. When I went back to check before I went back to work, there it was! Still warm! Sooo glad the girls are starting to pay rent!
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Got my first egg at lunch today!!! I checked the nesting box when I first got home, and scared a hen out of the box. I exited quickly. When I went back to check before I went back to work, there it was! Still warm! Sooo glad the girls are starting to pay rent!
Yeah!! Nice size egg too! I got my same 3 shades of brown today, but the lighter one is considerably larger than the past 4 days. Hmmmmmmm

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