Who else is waiting for that first egg?


Just when I had given up hope.....TWO eggs! The girls laid them at night, maybe because it is so stinking hot during the day right now.

I get to join the egg club!
I checked one of my cuckoo marans pelvic bones this morning because she squats if you come within a few feet of her and I can just fit three fingers between! Chocolate colored eggs here we come!!! So excited
I checked one of my cuckoo marans pelvic bones this morning because she squats if you come within a few feet of her and I can just fit three fingers between! Chocolate colored eggs here we come!!! So excited

Super exciting!! Please post some pics when you get some!!

Edit - I've heard that cuckoo's aren't quite as dark as the BC's, but I still bet they will be awesome!
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Super exciting!!  Please post some pics when you get some!!  :drool  

Edit - I've heard that cuckoo's aren't quite as dark as the BC's, but I still bet they will be awesome!
I have heard that also but I originally got three of them and ended up having to re home one because she was so mean and aggressive and attacked my eight year old daughter. I recently talked to the woman that took her and she started laying already (of course the one I had to get rid of right). She showed me one of her eggs and it was pretty dark. So I'm keeping my fingers crossed the two I still have will lay just as dark.
My Cuckoo Maran just started laying a few days ago. She got a little egg bound with her first egg and we had to lube her up and put her in a steamy room and all that. I don't know if that affected the egg color at all, but that first egg was practically white it was so light. She laid another egg a couple of days ago which was light brown - about as dark as an average brown grocery store egg and definitely lighter than the darker end of the grocery store spectrum. And still not any darker than the eggs my red sex link laid. I'm hoping they get darker, but she is a hatchery bird so I'm not holding my breath. She is a lovely bird, but I was really hoping for some dark eggs!

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