Who else is waiting for that first egg?

Two of my girls have been laying for two weeks and the other three are still not showing any signs of being close. Combs and waddles are red but still very very short and no squatting at all. All hatched the same day and are now 27 weeks old. By the way all are GC

One of my 8 GCs started at 17 weeks, 2 more at 18 weeks, all 8 by 20 weeks. What are they eating?

I'm not sure if I should be excited or madder than a wet hen. As of this afternoon I have all four of my older girls laying, both of my cuckoo marans started laying today but their eggs are no darker than my silver laced Wyandottes. The cuckoo marans I gave away two months ago lay dark brown eggs but the eggs I got from the two I kept are in no way dark brown. Anybody know if the shade will get darker as they lay more? Both eggs have dark brown specks on them but are a light brown:(

I hear that cuckoos eggs aren't as dark as say, black coppers, but I do believe they will get darker over time. Then lighten up as they get close to stopping for winter.
One of my 8 GCs started at 17 weeks, 2 more at 18 weeks, all 8 by 20 weeks. What are they eating?
I hear that cuckoos eggs aren't as dark as say, black coppers, but I do believe they will get darker over time. Then lighten up as they get close to stopping for winter.
I hope they get some what darker. I have also heard they don't get as dark as black coppers but I was hoping they would be darker than they are now.
Is there anything other than layn feed and oyster shells to help harden the shells? I have one pullet that seems to be having trouble with soft shells. I've had them confined to the run for a few weeks after finding one leathery soft shell egg and a the leathery shell in the roost in the same night. Now they eat just the feed and on Sunday they get a treat like a head of lettuce. Yesterday when I get home she was sitting on the floor of the coop like she was going to lay so I left her be and she laid a egg with a decent shell. It wasn't as thick as it should be but almost. One of the other birds jumped up and took a nick out the shell when I was walking out of the run. Then this evening she started acting strange, sitting on the ground and had me super worried. I had to shut them in the coop for like a hour and a half because a wicked storm rolled in when I let them back out I didn't see much change. When I went out to lock things up I peeked in on them and to my surprise she was up on the roost butt pecking with the rest for a good spot to sleep and on the poop deck laid a egg. They hadn't gone in the coop more then 10 mins before. I tried to pick it up and at first it seemed solid but then it crunched and broke. None of my other girls are having issues, what can I do for this poor girl?
If you have free choice oyster shell out, and they are eating layer feed, i dont know of anything else you can do. If the others are laying hard shells, she will too eventually. Maybe she just doesn't know she needs it yet. Supposedly they know when they need it, but i guess its logical that some dont understand at first. I wouldn't worry unless it lasts more than a week or so. Then maybe do a search. Someone else probably knows better than me though.
I'm not sure if I should be excited or madder than a wet hen. As of this afternoon I have all four of my older girls laying, both of my cuckoo marans started laying today but their eggs are no darker than my silver laced Wyandottes. The cuckoo marans I gave away two months ago lay dark brown eggs but the eggs I got from the two I kept are in no way dark brown. Anybody know if the shaCude will get darker as they lay more? Both eggs have dark brown specks on them but are a light brown:(
I'm curious as well. I have a Cuckoo, a White and a Splash. Still not to POL, I hope for dark brown eggs. If someone answers, would you please @Mutt Farm me?
If you have free choice oyster shell out, and they are eating layer feed, i dont know of anything else you can do. If the others are laying hard shells, she will too eventually. Maybe she just doesn't know she needs it yet. Supposedly they know when they need it, but i guess its logical that some dont understand at first. I wouldn't worry unless it lasts more than a week or so. Then maybe do a search. Someone else probably knows better than me though.

I saw her eating the oyster shells shortly before she laid the egg tonight so maybe she's figuring it out!
I'm curious as well. I have a  Cuckoo, a White and a Splash. Still not to POL, I hope for dark brown eggs. If someone answers, would you please @Mutt Farm
WVduckchick said she believes they will get darker over time and then get lighter when it gets closer to winter and they slow down. So keeping my fingers crossed. I will let you know what their next few eggs look like when they lay them.
WVduckchick said she believes they will get darker over time and then get lighter when it gets closer to winter and they slow down. So keeping my fingers crossed. I will let you know what their next few eggs look like when they lay them.
I would really appreciate that. I thought Marans laid dark brown eggs, now I'm thinking I should have gotten Black Coppers.
I would really appreciate that. I thought Marans laid dark brown eggs, now I'm thinking I should have gotten Black Coppers.
yeah I should have just ordered some black coppers instead of buying the cuckoos locally. Still love my girls and am glad they are finally laying but I now know better for the next time I add more babies to my flock.

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