Who else is waiting for that first egg?



got our first official egg today second egg but the first was soft shelled. This one seems a bit thin maybe but still hard shelled

Yeah!! Lovely egg
I feel like it should be made of gold. Our girls are 18 weeks I think so we're lucky but I can't imagine waiting 25 or 26 weeks with no eggs. Switched them to layer feed after seeing the soft shelled egg and I am excited to say several of the other girls seem to be really pinking up too and combs are getting bigger! Yay!!!! Even some of our buffs which are 16 weeks I think. (My mother misplaced my chicken notebook :( ) also some slw. I am super excited. Before long maybe we'll be swimming in eggs :) of course nothing from the silkies(14-15 weeks) or gls(18) also our Easter eggers remain elusive at 16 weeks 3/4 all seem to have mostly flat combs still. But I'll take what I can get.
YEA! we got our first little egg this morning! It is the most beautiful egg around here right now... It's buff in color and small, I know first eggs are small. I just expected something a bit larger. but I am so happy.
Can anyone who has just gotten their first egg, please check the pelvic bone and tell me how far apart it is? My girls are 15 weeks old, I just fed them some leftover grits. 1 jumped on my lap so I checked her pelvic bone and could fit 1 finger with room. So I picked up my girl with the widest bottom and got 2 fingers with a little wiggle room. So I tried a 3rd and couldn't fit a finger at all. I'm so confused.
Could you split that with me? I am unobservant in general and with the sixty five plus hour weeks I am working it is all I can do to just see if they go out OK the hour or so I get home to get them free ranging before roosting time. Not that they roost perse since they huddle on the roosting boxes. I did not get enough slant on their cover I guess when I built it. You honestly know how much they each eat and drink?

Not exactly how much they eat and drink but I know when someone is eating or drinking less. I can almost tell who will lay the next day by the size of their crull each day. I'm currently working with one if my pullets who has decided she is confused about the egg laying process and is in the coop singing for extended periods of time with no egg and I know she has laid several eggs. I put her in the nesting box and she sits for five minutes then she starts singing again. I guess we shall see if she produces an egg or just wants to be a professional singer
So weird....three days straight, got an egg a day between the hens....then, this morning, found a shell-less egg under the perch in the coop....not sure if the little hen is finally laying, or the two bigger birds just had a bad night....never heard of laying during the night...

I got 13 new layers(20-22 wks old) for the last 3 wks I'd been getting one or two broken shell-less eggs under their roost. There were a couple of instance that I came in to the coop @dusk to make sure they are tucked in and I had witness egg dropping from their roost.

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