Who else is waiting for that first egg?

I'm picturing the drive thru car wash where they apply the colored foam! Musta been out! The solid chocolate brown egg was mine. I can drop by to fetch it and the hen that laid it.

Yeah, but if you do you have to take a couple of really stupid roosters with you along with the hen! We are averaging 6-7 eggs a day right now with maybe 4 once a week. We left a dozen in our mail box for our postal carrier as a tip for his excellent service. He loved it. In 5 weeks the younger hens should be laying also. A dozen eggs a day more or less.

I think it's time I started getting the word out that we have eggs for sale!
Yeah, but if you do you have to take a couple of really stupid roosters with you along with the hen! We are averaging 6-7 eggs a day right now with maybe 4 once a week. We left a dozen in our mail box for our postal carrier as a tip for his excellent service. He loved it. In 5 weeks the younger hens should be laying also. A dozen eggs a day more or less.

I think it's time I started getting the word out that we have eggs for sale!
For sure! Not about me taking stupid roos along with my dark brown egg laying hen that apparently lives with you
but about selling eggs. I never intended to sell eggs. With 15 layers, I'm not quite sure what the heck I thought I'd do with a dz per day! I planned to share a bunch and donate a bunch, but hello??? Sell some! Folks here are begging for farm raised local eggs! Get the word out.
I'm puzzled. We got our first Welsummer egg several days ago. Properly medium brown with darker speckles.  Then yesterday we had a solid chocolate brown egg in the nesting box. I thought maybe our lone Speckled Sussex had left it for us but today, we had two solid brown eggs in the nesting box along with the light brown Buff O's eggs. Hmmmmmm. If one of our Wellies laid a speckled egg for us, then who is doing the solid brown eggs? We have 7 hens old enough to be laying. 5 Buff O's and 2 Welly's which means our two Welly girls are forgetting to apply the speckles to their egg on their way out.

Sorry, I keep getting this mental image of eggs traveling down a conveyor belt being stamped......never mind....

Anyway, anybody with Wellies getting solid brown eggs from them instead of speckled eggs?

Just thought i'd post a picture of my Welsummer's egg (on the left)...it is really very red, difficult to see in my picture, but it has loads of tiny, tiny speckles. I've put it next to my Maran's egg for comparison. The colour difference in the 2 eggs is quite different!

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Just thought i'd post a picture of my Welsummer's egg (on the left)...it is really very red, difficult to see in my picture, but it has loads of tiny, tiny speckles. I've put it next to my Maran's egg for comparison. The colour difference in the 2 eggs is quite different!


Where did you get that wooden box... from a general store?
So I'm in southern WI and I'm just about ready to start squeezing hens here lol. We got our first hard shelled egg over a week ago so my question is about the weather we've been having. Could it be from it being pretty hot here(upper 80s heat index into the 90s and pretty high humidity)that our girls aren't laying? Not sure but I think only one of our girls has laid. First a soft-shelled egg 2+ weeks ago(they weren't on layer feed or had oyster shell yet) and then about a week later she laid one beautiful brown egg in the nest box.(but nothing since) she never sang the egg song, never squated but layed and we know she layed at least the softshell BC we saw her do it. Anyway since starting the layer feed many more of our girls have started reddening up and a few are squatting. Several look ready to lay. Heard very mild egg songs a few times but not much although they are noisier. The boys are all over the ladies dancing for them and trying to breed. We go on a daily egg hunt but mostly I'm feeling impatient and frustrated. If I knew it was the heat that would be one thing but our girls usually free range from dawn to dusk as they like. Which usually lands them in the cornfield for at least part of the day. I would keep them locked up to get a better idea of who is or isn't laying but again it has been unbearably hot. It would just be nice to know. We have isa browns(including the one who layed the soft-shelled egg) that are coming on 19 weeks, wyandottes that are 18, Orpingtons and EE that are 17 with a few miscellaneous birds in those age groups.

Hope someone can help. thanks. Sorry about the long post

I have 8 hens and an automatic door on the run, so they free range all day too. But normally they stay in the coop early, and get their laying over with. I do have a couple that will head out to range, but they come back to the coop when its time to lay. I get 7-8 per day.

Now I have 7 more that should start laying any time now, and 2 silkies that are already laying. I've been giving eggs away too, but should probably start selling some too.
The mailman idea is sweet! Might leave a dozen in my box.
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Here is a picture of our first Welsummer egg compared with the Buff Orpington's.

You can see the speckles on it. I'll get a picture of the other eggs later, but the latest 'brown' eggs that I've gotten are about a shade darker than the darkest egg and with out speckles. Our Speckled Sussex is about two-three weeks younger than the main flock and the Lavender Orpington is 5 weeks behind the main flock so while it's possible the Sussex could be laying, I know she didn't push out two in one day, which has me thinking it is the 2 mature Welsummer hens.
well my ladies were 23 weeks wed. have been checking pretty regularly for eggs for about 2 weeks . Nada Nothing . about 4 days ago they started getting in the 3 lower nest we have 3 on bottom and they would be about mid shin off the ground. you could see where they were indented as if someone had been testing out the beds in my three bears. They started at the far end from the door. They are the plastic nest that attach to the wall and can be removed for a cleaning in a tub. Checked last night at 8pm when i went out to let the door down ( oh buy the way each nest has its own little flap door so i can check nest by nest without them sneaking out to go visit the chickens next door without me knowing about it. haha.) but i digress. Went out this am to let the girls out in there outside area can't let them free range wish i could but my husband gathers the grass as he cuts it enough for them to have pretty fresh grass for a couple of days then he goes and gets more. They are treated like queens because when he catches it in the bag all the dirt that is loose any bugs anything he goes over that is edible by them gets cut up in bite size pieces. ( we have wild dangerous predators around my husband has seen a fox or to we do have some deer running around no hunting on our property so they know they are safe on our land . and we have heard coyotes. as much as others around us are selling there land and putting in subdivisions you would think thyey would go away. back to my story sorry. sometimes i do that. oh we have about 50 acres. like i was saying went out this am to refill the feeder outside one due to we had a real hard rain last night and some on the food was wet and puffed um. when i went through my routine to a point i put the feeder on the roost at the cross boards when i bent over to check the nest i started at the door and was heading to the other end when low and behold i looked sort of raised up thought wait a minute did i just see what i thought i saw . I bent over again and all the time the girls are picking at my blue slide ons they look like crocks but they are another cheaper brand i got at the beach at the camp ground we where staying at. back to the story. i looked again and low and behold i did see what i thought i had seen there was not only one but 2 eggs in the first nest. one small and normal shaped and the other was more round and on the bottom it was a soft shell it was twice the size almost to the first as soon i i can figure out how to post pictures i will. They are light brown on the smaller egg and about 1-2 shades darker on the second one. they were cool to touch but there was some or a little bit of what appeared to be water probably layed earlier this morning i am not an early riser as the chickens are i went out about 8:30 this am. I have 6 sex links one of them is a red and the other are black. not sure which girls stepped up to the plate first just glad they did.
CONGRATS TO ALL!!! Love the pictures and the counts! FYI...doz medium eggs at our local grocery $4.69!!! US is importing eggs for the first time due to avian flu. Those like me who will have extra eggs due to chicken math, could I ask you to share a doz or 2 with a neighbor in need or a food bank?

This is such a great idea, im ashamed this never crossed my mind!!!! Ive been sharing with family as its been exciting since the eggs have started coming in, it didnt occur to me the financial implications. Thank you for this thought!!
CONGRATS TO ALL!!! Love the pictures and the counts! FYI...doz medium eggs at our local grocery $4.69!!! US is importing eggs for the first time due to avian flu. Those like me who will have extra eggs due to chicken math, could I ask you to share a doz or 2 with a neighbor in need or a food bank?
I've told a couple neighbors when I have extra they're for them, no charge. :)

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