Who else is waiting for that first egg?

I wasn't really referring to the color of my chickens. When my stepdad bought them, from the local feed store, he says he thought the guy referred to the breed as a yellow leghorns. They are actually all white, except one that has a black feather. Someone on here told me that one was probably bred with something else. They gave me the name of it, but I can't remember. It was many comments back.
If they are white, than they might be White Leghorns, but only if they also have single combs, yellow legs, and white earlobes.
Well, my flock of Comets have been laying for 6-8 weeks now. Now I'm awaiting my lavender orpingtin girls to start. They are 20 weeks old. Come on girls, earn your keep!
I saw Land O Lakes brown eggs in the store 2 for $5 I'm sticking with $4 because when I was trying to buy fresh local eggs last year that was the price.
I've only sold 1 dozen but I've given away about 6 half dozen to people at work. I tell them if you want eggs just leave an empty carton on my desk with your name & $4.
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Saturday I got my first egg, it was sitting there white and round and my girl was so proud, it even let me pet her, I think she was hoping for a roster. and Sunday she gave me another one, very happy and proud mama. The egg is very small, are they going to be bigger or this is how it is going to be , not that I mind, and no I don't know her breed. When we decided to get chickens we did' t do our home work, we just went to a farm and got them, the next three i chose based on research, but i love them all any way.
I think one of my girls did a squat. It was weird she was eating then her wings kind of came out just a smidge and she just paused for a moment the continued to eat.
Do any of you free range? I'm afraid my girls will go under my she'd or in the woods somewhere I wouldn't think to look. I've been keeping them in the coop longer every day recently, hoping that would encourage them. It does appear that someone has been checking out the nesting boxes because they've kicked some shavings out.
Do any of you free range? I'm afraid my girls will go under my she'd or in the woods somewhere I wouldn't think to look. I've been keeping them in the coop longer every day recently, hoping that would encourage them. It does appear that someone has been checking out the nesting boxes because they've kicked some shavings out.
I kept mine in the coop/run till 3pm. Only "free ranged" a few hours per day. They learned to lay in the box first. If they're messing in the boxes,
Today my RSL went into her nesting box and sat there for about two minutes and NOTHING!!! And as I went to put her in for the night she squatted for me!! First time ever!!! Does this mean anyday??? Please say yes! I can't take it anymore :D

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