Who else is waiting for that first egg?

Finally! Yesterday, one of our EEs gave us a beautiful (albeit smallish) blue egg! I wasn't home all day, and when I went out to give them their daily treats, I found it cuddled in the middle box. Jumped for joy! Sure wish I had heard the egg song. But nobody's talking, so nobody can get the credit and lots of praise from me. They were 20 weeks on Monday, so I think that is early! Our Speckled Sussex have nice big red combs so I was sure I would find a tan egg first. So proud of my girls. Every time I pass the egg on the kitchen counter, I smile and think "that came from one of my girls!" Don't really know what to do with it. I don't want to crack the shell, it's sooo beautiful (as you can see). I can blow out the egg, but won't see how beautiful it looks all plumped up orange yolk and thick creamy white...so for now, I just enjoy looking at it.
Beautiful! Such a pretty blue! Are you EEs red? Mine are pale yet at 21 weeks.
Yea my BO boys developed way faster then the girls trunks for legs and there waddles/wattles grew bigger and faster and the tail feathers are long

I'm super excited the girls have been doing well for a couple of weeks slowly more have begun to lay although I think most of the girls are still laying intermittently. However today we got seven hard shelled perfect eggs and one soft shell under the roost that I think was a first egg from one of my Isa Browns, Tap Tap,(who's been running around all day singing like a crazy bird lol). She was injured about 2-3 weeks ago quite a bad cut to her foot that bled a lot and I think it put her a bit behind her sisters but hopefully it means she has finally caught up we'll see. On a side note we sold three 20 week buff Orpingtons Saturday and they think one is a roo. But we never saw any signs. Should a buff Orpington roo be obvious before 20 weeks?
Can't wait to find out how many eggs we'll get tomorrow! I tell ya I may be out there singing with the girls I'm so proud. We have almost 3 dozen eggs from our girls in the fridge and we gave away our first dozen Friday. We've eaten easily two dozen. Now we just need to work on the egg size. We have had two very large eggs(I'm guessing jumbos) one we gave away was a double yolker thinking the other is too. However most of the eggs we're getting are still quite small I'm guessing small or peewee lol
We have gotten a single egg for 3 consecutive days out of our flock of 23 who range from 20-24 weeks of age. One we know for sure is from the 20 week Red Sexlink and are pretty sure the other 2 have come from 2 of the 16 Blacks, judging from color. Too much fun as every trip into the pen is now an adventure. Still looking for the first egg from the 24 week EE.
So far, all eggs have looked lovely and weighed in at 1.5oz.
One of 8 started to lay a week ago on 9-23 and has laid 7 eggs so far and I have only eaten one
Finally! Yesterday, one of our EEs gave us a beautiful (albeit smallish) blue egg! I wasn't home all day, and when I went out to give them their daily treats, I found it cuddled in the middle box. Jumped for joy! Sure wish I had heard the egg song. But nobody's talking, so nobody can get the credit and lots of praise from me. They were 20 weeks on Monday, so I think that is early! Our Speckled Sussex have nice big red combs so I was sure I would find a tan egg first. So proud of my girls. Every time I pass the egg on the kitchen counter, I smile and think "that came from one of my girls!" Don't really know what to do with it. I don't want to crack the shell, it's sooo beautiful (as you can see). I can blow out the egg, but won't see how beautiful it looks all plumped up orange yolk and thick creamy white...so for now, I just enjoy looking at it.
I'm super excited the girls have been doing well for a couple of weeks slowly more have begun to lay although I think most of the girls are still laying intermittently. However today we got seven hard shelled perfect eggs and one soft shell under the roost that I think was a first egg from one of my Isa Browns, Tap Tap,(who's been running around all day singing like a crazy bird lol). She was injured about 2-3 weeks ago quite a bad cut to her foot that bled a lot and I think it put her a bit behind her sisters but hopefully it means she has finally caught up we'll see. On a side note we sold three 20 week buff Orpingtons Saturday and they think one is a roo. But we never saw any signs. Should a buff Orpington roo be obvious before 20 weeks?
Can't wait to find out how many eggs we'll get tomorrow! I tell ya I may be out there singing with the girls I'm so proud. We have almost 3 dozen eggs from our girls in the fridge and we gave away our first dozen Friday. We've eaten easily two dozen. Now we just need to work on the egg size. We have had two very large eggs(I'm guessing jumbos) one we gave away was a double yolker thinking the other is too. However most of the eggs we're getting are still quite small I'm guessing small or peewee lol
Yes, I have a BO rooster. He's going to be 5 1/2mos tomorrow (22wks) and I could tell by 8wks for sure he was a rooster, AND he started crowing shortly after and hasn't stopped. Here is a picture of him from 2 weeks ago (20wks), far left, his name is Oreo (named before knowing he was a he, but it was gender neutral like all their names are):
I wasn't planning on eggs from anyone but my one silkie who's older than the others and laying already, but yesterday I noticed some of the gals have red combs and. One squatted for me today. They are only 14 weeks!

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