Who else is waiting for that first egg?

I feel like a mother watching her babies grow up… one of my around 11 hens left a birthday surprise (her 5 month). She layed 3 perfect little brown eggs over the span of three days (had to go away for a while). I saw a couple possible hens who could have layed it with extra red combs… and I noticed they were sitting in the nesting boxes.
I'm afraid my phone hates me and my computer is dead so I can't post a picture yet… (this was October 8th, a few days ago sorry)
Okay i know this is late in this post but here it goes. I have two barred rocks who are going to turn 15 weeks in two days! I know they say from 16 to 24 but im so excited!!! I am in search of wooden eggs but cant find any!!? I have not even switched them to layer feed yet( planning to wait another week for that) Does anyone else know what i can dress my nesting boxes with? I was just going to use pine shavings. Chica ( Barred Rock (Alpha Female) - Her comb is a bit bigger than my other) Adaline (Barred Rock- Baby Girl)
My nesting boxes have the same pine flakes as the rest of the coop. I tried straw and the girls hate it lol. They dug out every last bit of it. Flakes work great. Also i used golf balls instead of fake eggs. It was a success. They lay in the boxes 99% of the time,occasionally one will be on the coop floor but as they all want the same 2 boxes perhaps they get tired of standing in line :).
We use pine flakes too although I do have one girl who has made herself a nest from straw she has pulled out of a couple bales lol. Think I may make one nest box have straw the rest pine lol spoiled chicken we'll see. We also used golf balls they worked great! Otherwise farm and fleet has training eggs but they seem like they're expensive to me.
Okay i know this is late in this post but here it goes. I have two barred rocks who are going to turn 15 weeks in two days! I know they say from 16 to 24 but im so excited!!! I am in search of wooden eggs but cant find any!!? I have not even switched them to layer feed yet( planning to wait another week for that) Does anyone else know what i can dress my nesting boxes with? I was just going to use pine shavings.

Chica ( Barred Rock (Alpha Female) - Her comb is a bit bigger than my other)

Adaline (Barred Rock- Baby Girl)

I use straw in my nesting boxes, nesting bins, and on my nesting shelves. They love it.
Okay i know this is late in this post but here it goes. I have two barred rocks who are going to turn 15 weeks in two days! I know they say from 16 to 24 but im so excited!!! I am in search of wooden eggs but cant find any!!? I have not even switched them to layer feed yet( planning to wait another week for that) Does anyone else know what i can dress my nesting boxes with? I was just going to use pine shavings. Chica ( Barred Rock (Alpha Female) - Her comb is a bit bigger than my other) Adaline (Barred Rock- Baby Girl)
My 16 week old
Well idk who it was was but I found an egg in with our littles today. Their first. It's a darling little egg. It could be a silkie's although I doubt it or it could be my bantam barred cochin's or last but not least my self blue oegb's I'm thinking cochin, she seems ready. And the roos are going nutso for her. Guess it's time to get them with the big girls where the nest boxes are. I've been slowly integrating them but its been a long process. Now I need to complete it but the littles still don't roost and occasionally while free ranging still get picked on more than I would like.
Well idk who it was was but I found an egg in with our littles today. Their first. It's a darling little egg. It could be a silkie's although I doubt it or it could be my bantam barred cochin's or last but not least my self blue oegb's I'm thinking cochin, she seems ready. And the roos are going nutso for her. Guess it's time to get them with the big girls where the nest boxes are. I've been slowly integrating them but its been a long process. Now I need to complete it but the littles still don't roost and occasionally while free ranging still get picked on more than I would like.

I have a bantam barred cochin also, how old is yours? Mine is almost 18 weeks. I'd love to see a pic of your girl.

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