Who else is waiting for that first egg?

I think she's 21 weeks
I got her when I bought silkie eggs one time this last spring they sent 17 eggs total with three being bantam eggs as a bonus. I was ecstatic! Not only did I get my fuzzy chickens ;) but I also got the little cochin, and my little self blue oegb. In truth I don't think the cochin is real good her legs seem kinda naked to me lol but she's cute and I don't really care although I would love some more maybe large and bantam sized. I have such an addiction. The third bantam egg quit very early and I never found out what it was, I wish it would have hatched. But from what I've heard for my first hatch and shipped eggs 8/17 was awesome especially BC three silkie eggs weren't fertile. Yay! And I love them all. Still not sure on the sex of two silkies but I got a gorgeous little splash and a beautiful partridge roo, three whites, and a little buff which I was told was a roo but that's okay we're keeping him anyway.


The smaller very light egg is the one in question, the larger one is an Isa Brown egg I got yesterday from my almost 25 week olds.


I think she moved at the last minute so the image may have gotten cut off is so I'll have to take another later. Lol

This morning as I was cleaning out the coop poop, I noticed one of my red stars my laying in one of the nest boxes. Found this gem by noon. Chicks are exactly 20 weeks old. Unfortunetly my mother promptly dropped it.
my face as I saw the deed done. I was so looking forward to eating it too! Yolk was nice and orange too!!! Egg was perfectly clean and still warm ! Devastated!!!!
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Quote: awww man :( I bet she felt awful :( I keep meaning to carry something out with me to collect, but always forget to when the time comes so I end up putting them in my hoodie pocket.

Yesterday I was making apple pie (from scratch), and needed an egg and milk for brushing the top. I mixed it in my favorite little blue bowl, and for literally NO reason the bowl shattered (hitting my back and back of my arms, thank goodness I was turned away from it), sitting on the counter, and pieces flew everywhere. I swear I felt like crying! I'm still ticked about it. More about losing my favorite little blue bowl, but a little about losing an egg. They're like shelled gold!
Okay i know this is late in this post but here it goes. I have two barred rocks who are going to turn 15 weeks in two days! I know they say from 16 to 24 but im so excited!!! I am in search of wooden eggs but cant find any!!? I have not even switched them to layer feed yet( planning to wait another week for that) Does anyone else know what i can dress my nesting boxes with? I was just going to use pine shavings. Chica ( Barred Rock (Alpha Female) - Her comb is a bit bigger than my other) Adaline (Barred Rock- Baby Girl) [/quote I use pine shavings in mine and have had no problem :)
Okay i know this is late in this post but here it goes. I have two barred rocks who are going to turn 15 weeks in two days! I know they say from 16 to 24 but im so excited!!! I am in search of wooden eggs but cant find any!!? I have not even switched them to layer feed yet( planning to wait another week for that) Does anyone else know what i can dress my nesting boxes with? I was just going to use pine shavings. Chica ( Barred Rock (Alpha Female) - Her comb is a bit bigger than my other) Adaline (Barred Rock- Baby Girl) [/quote I use pine shavings in mine and have had no problem :)
I put golf balls in the boxes that seems to work
I think she's 21 weeks
I got her when I bought silkie eggs one time this last spring they sent 17 eggs total with three being bantam eggs as a bonus. I was ecstatic! Not only did I get my fuzzy chickens
but I also got the little cochin, and my little self blue oegb. In truth I don't think the cochin is real good her legs seem kinda naked to me lol but she's cute and I don't really care although I would love some more maybe large and bantam sized. I have such an addiction. The third bantam egg quit very early and I never found out what it was, I wish it would have hatched. But from what I've heard for my first hatch and shipped eggs 8/17 was awesome especially BC three silkie eggs weren't fertile. Yay! And I love them all. Still not sure on the sex of two silkies but I got a gorgeous little splash and a beautiful partridge roo, three whites, and a little buff which I was told was a roo but that's okay we're keeping him anyway.

The smaller very light egg is the one in question, the larger one is an Isa Brown egg I got yesterday from my almost 25 week olds.

I think she moved at the last minute so the image may have gotten cut off is so I'll have to take another later. Lol

That little egg looks like my silkies eggs. And your cochin is very pretty. Here's a couple pics of my girl Katherine. She's a little ball of fluff. I tell her all the time that she is walking on her pajama bottoms...

Came back from vacation and looks like the girls didn't take a break! We ended up with 15 dozen eggs from 20 girls, in 8 days!

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