Who else is waiting for that first egg?

@chickendreams248/15 this time of year sounds a lot like what I saw on the how many eggs did you get today thread where lots of people where lementing shorter days and molt. I am going to add a few easter eggers in the spring so hopefully I can get some blue and greens just for fun. Since the EE I have now are half buff they both lay a pinkish brown egg.

Our little girl laid her first egg
Well thank you your girl is stunning and she has such wonderfully feathered legs. Idk if mine will ever get there but that's okay I love her anyway although considering she was born with almost completely naked legs she has gotten more feathers than I thought she would. I love how my silkies' legs look especially my splash pullet, Lovey, I always tell her that she has pants, pantaloons, etc and slippers on. She has very very well feathered legs

I hadn't really thought the egg could be from my silkie pullets as they don't have any combs yet(although I may have one that does it my buff turns out to be a girl in spite of what everyone thought) and idk what a bantam cochin egg looks like or a bantam oegb(well not that I remember-lol I wasn't studying the outside of the eggs lol) but it'd be cool if it was from my silkies. From what I've read I wasn't truly expecting any of my little girls to lay probably until spring.
It's funny that my bantam cochin is also holding her tail up in the photo as she doesn't usually, but like I said she really did poop the biggest poo ever right as I snapped the picture. Thankfully it fell faster than my phone could capture a camera. Lol
Loving the name Katherine
still haven't named my girl my mom wants Dottie, but I just don't think it fits her well. Any ideas? What's your Katherine's personality like? My girl is a little flighty but sweet when caught, although I do think she's getting better. She hates being put to bed(my little girls aren't yet in the coop at night as the big girls still think they're intruders when by it but the little girls at least go by the run now. They have a refrigerator sized box as a "coop" in the sun porch that they sleep in they're out the rest of the time. Hopefully this week they'll be out in the coop with the big girls full time

sadly I think that our first feather footed bird that the main flock knew dieing(in a freak accident where he fell and broke his neck) made it harder to introduce the little silkies, that and the fact that my little self blue oegb Crocket thinks she's bigger than everyone lol He was my biggest peace keeper and I miss him so. He was porcelain D'uccle and his name was Blue

I missed this post somehow.
Katherine got her name because her mate, a blue frizzle bantam cochin was so "pretty" when he hatched, I was calling him Prissy. Then he started crowing at like 6 weeks old!! I said "NO, he's too pretty to be a boy!!"... so I wanted to come up with something that fit him. Somehow, the movie "The Birdcage" crossed my mind, and since Robin Williams recent death (I loved him!), his character's name was "Armand"... so that became my frizzle boy's name. Katherine was the mother of Armand's son in the movie. I was going to call her Kate, but the more I looked at her, I thought Katherine sounded more regal, and suited her better. So that's the story of Armand and Katherine. I like to find names that mean something, or reflect their personality.

Did you pick a name for your girl yet?

(P.S. I hope no one is offended by my thought process. I mean no disrespect at all!)


These pictures are one of my buff eggs from yesterday the light may make it look a bit darker than it actually appears. I hope the white speckles show up well. It has some larger and some smaller spots. Usually they're mostly just the smaller spots.

All my girls are from this past spring so no molts here they're just sneaky coniving little birds that hide their eggs they'll be locked up for a couple days when the weather gets bad *fingers crossed it doesn't* but its Wisconsin so it will lol. Also I don't think all of them are laying just yet as the oldest I think are just 26 weeks. That or some of them may not have the kinks out of their systems yet. Last week we were getting a soft-shelled/shell less egg or two a night so I'm thinking some have just started.

No I haven't named her yet been playing around with Beatrice and a few others but my family all just seems to say no I don't like it or not have an opinion at all. But no one has given me any alternatives other than Dottie which like I said just isn't her.
I am for sure that she has been the one laying, or the only one I've seen lay. In ten days she's given me 7-8 that I know of, can't remember which, and she hasn't layed yet today, also one of the days she didn't lay she was free ranging when she would have layed so I may just not have found it.

These pictures are one of my buff eggs from yesterday the light may make it look a bit darker than it actually appears. I hope the white speckles show up well. It has some larger and some smaller spots. Usually they're mostly just the smaller spots.

All my girls are from this past spring so no molts here they're just sneaky coniving little birds that hide their eggs they'll be locked up for a couple days when the weather gets bad *fingers crossed it doesn't* but its Wisconsin so it will lol. Also I don't think all of them are laying just yet as the oldest I think are just 26 weeks. That or some of them may not have the kinks out of their systems yet. Last week we were getting a soft-shelled/shell less egg or two a night so I'm thinking some have just started.

No I haven't named her yet been playing around with Beatrice and a few others but my family all just seems to say no I don't like it or not have an opinion at all. But no one has given me any alternatives other than Dottie which like I said just isn't her.
I am for sure that she has been the one laying, or the only one I've seen lay. In ten days she's given me 7-8 that I know of, can't remember which, and she hasn't layed yet today, also one of the days she didn't lay she was free ranging when she would have layed so I may just not have found it.

I can see the white spots. I get those occasionally too. Have you seen this: https://www.backyardchickens.com/a/common-egg-quality-problems
I still haven't gotten another egg from Katherine. I think Armand scared that last one out of her, but should be any time now.

Beatrice isn't a bad name. Look up lists of baby names. They sometimes help. I've searched for "Old English boy names" for my OEGB's... or "names meaning small" for my little sebrights. The right one will hit you.

These pictures are one of my buff eggs from yesterday the light may make it look a bit darker than it actually appears. I hope the white speckles show up well. It has some larger and some smaller spots. Usually they're mostly just the smaller spots.

All my girls are from this past spring so no molts here they're just sneaky coniving little birds that hide their eggs they'll be locked up for a couple days when the weather gets bad *fingers crossed it doesn't* but its Wisconsin so it will lol. Also I don't think all of them are laying just yet as the oldest I think are just 26 weeks. That or some of them may not have the kinks out of their systems yet. Last week we were getting a soft-shelled/shell less egg or two a night so I'm thinking some have just started.

No I haven't named her yet been playing around with Beatrice and a few others but my family all just seems to say no I don't like it or not have an opinion at all. But no one has given me any alternatives other than Dottie which like I said just isn't her.
I am for sure that she has been the one laying, or the only one I've seen lay. In ten days she's given me 7-8 that I know of, can't remember which, and she hasn't layed yet today, also one of the days she didn't lay she was free ranging when she would have layed so I may just not have found it.

I let people have a vote on a couple of the chickens, but out of the 13 I had, I named 11, 1 (I named) passed, and 1 (I named) went back to the store, so I have 11 now and I named 9 of them. My son named 1, and my son's father named 1. I take care of the babes, give them attention, built their coop and exercise run (mostly) by myself, I go get their feed/bedding, order all their other needed supplies, clean their coop, take care of injuries etc, so I figure it like this, I do the work I pick the names.

I have a buff orpington pair, one pullet and one cockerel. The pullet is Orpi, and the cockerel is Oreo. Oreo was SUPPOSE to be a girl, I bought sexed pullets, but Oreo turned out to be a boy and I decided to keep him for a while, he's SUPER sweet and takes his duties VERY seriously (he's docile, but he's VERY protective of the girls, so he alerts me to problems)
Wvduckchick yes I have seen that page and I have wondered if it was a problem although usually the spots are much much smaller and not raised. Considering they are only 23-25 weeks old I'm not truly worried. They have layer feed and free range oyster shell they also free range all day. So I can't imagine why my two buffs are laying like that except that maybe that's just the way they're going to lay. Idk

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