who else thinks the holidays are going to be hard

Ditto dat! Takes a strong person to know when she and her family need help. We are so quick to go the doctor for the visible boo-boos, and so many of us ignore the hidden hurts til they fester. You do a service to everyone you talk to when you mention therapy.

We're all thinking of you. Stay strong!
Christmas will be hard on my family too we have had a few losses of family here to. One thing to rember is it is har to deal with disney dads when kids are little but when they are grown they look back and say what a dead beat. Sorry if i affended but kids rember mom trying to make it. I have told my kids I will not be buying any toys this year. They have toys. I will buy them books and things they might need. I have been looking around at the whole christmas thing this year. This is what I see. We buy all this junk that kids want and it is broke in less then 6 months. quility of store bought has dropped and prices have rose.The reason for the season has been lost I was told a story by a man one time I am going to share , His wife was giveing me some dishes she didnt want and his christmas bowl was in the box. he picked it and tears came to his eyes. He said , When I was a kid we didnt have a tree. Trees was for the fire. We had these bowls and they sat at our spot every day but on christmas morn there was a brown paper package one our bowl.We knew by the size what it was a big package ment a pair of pants small was socks or underwear may a shirt or a dress for my sister. We didnt get toys for christmas. That bowl is every christmas we had when we left home we each got to take our bowl. I still have his bowl. and i tell my kids his story. Its not soppost to be about gifts. I am sorry this is so long I hope his story helps.
We aren't spending much this year. Just the needed things like clothes and such.

Hope that all goes well for those of you who are suffering anguish and hard economic times.

We just need to concentrate on the reason for the season.

God loves all of us, so He sent His Holy Son!
I think this holiday season will be hard for many for various reasons, i.e. death, finances, economy. I told our children a couple of months ago that we will be making our gifts to each other this year and to think of something the other person may like or use. Santa may bring them each a gift, nothing too big, but the rest of the gifts will be made with love. DS and DD asked for silkies, guess what, through the wonderful people on BYC they are going to get their wish for those, as well as my wish. We will be making ornaments and decorations. Maybe you could have each child make a special ornament for another personalized to that person to hang on the tree for years to come. I think one of the best memories we can give to our children and to ourselves is the time we would be spending doing all of these things together. My favorite memories were always the things we did and made for the holidays, I remember the gifts I received as a child, never many or expensive, but were out of love. Proclaim that this year will be "an old fashion or country christmas" whatever verbage you want to use. Use it to teach the children about the true meaning, and about family, and to help dispell some of the gotta have the newest and latest gizmo out there. I think with a little thought, you could come up with some great ideas, for the child who loves flowers, a basket with gloves, small garden tools, seeds and a live plant, a small vase to put the flowers they collect in, and a designated spot outside that would be all their own, etc. You get the idea. For the computer/video gamer, a wooden case or shelf system to organize and protect their games. Throw pillows for in front of the t.v. or fireplace, puppets, just use your imagination, look around and think what can I make out of that. Second hand stores are excellent sources for gifts as well, if you have any in your area. Sorry so long, hugs to all of you you have had so much tragedy in your lives this year. May the following years be kinder, give you more peace and prosperity.
Good Lord!!!!!
This post hurt my heart like no other has in a very long time!

It makes me ashamed of myself that I should ever open my mouth to complain about anything...and the thing I've been complaining about the most lately is that it's taking so long to clean up all the downed trees around our property after Hurricane Ike. This is me shutting the #$%^ up!!!

God Bless you and I hope with all my heart that you and your family will find some relief soon!!!!
Good Lord!!!!!
This post hurt my heart like no other has in a very long time!

It makes me ashamed of myself that I should ever open my mouth to complain about anything...and the thing I've been complaining about the most lately is that it's taking so long to clean up all the downed trees around our property after Hurricane Ike. This is me shutting the #$%^ up!!!

God Bless you and I hope with all my heart that you and your family will find some relief soon!!!!

Amen, Betty. The post, and those following, made me feel the same way. I've been down because we won't be able to have the Christmas we normally do, but I can still afford to buy each child a nice gift and several small ones. It's time for me to be gratefull for what I have.

That said, Purplebaby, our thoughts and prayers are with you. I agree with everyone who has said that homemade Christmas presents are the best. I tell my daughter that every year. She's only 8, but my most treasured gift is a picture she drew of me and put in a $3.00 frame from Wal-mart. She glued little decorations around the frame and wrapped it up for me. I love it! She's also strung cheap beads we acquired over the years as "decorations" that I hang in different rooms.

I know it's hard right now, but Christmas is about the traditions we make for our children. If it's nothing more than spending an hour each night listening to Christmas carols. We have a Danish exchange student living with us and as the holidays arrive she's been sharing her memories of Christmas with us. Not a single time has she mentioned a present she's gotten. Instead she talks about the traditions, the family that visits, etc.

Hang in there, it will get better.
For gifts, look around on Freecycle (if it's in your area), Craigslist, and Thrift Stores. I don't have a lot of money to spend, but so far, with those resources I've spent less then $70 and found a bike, a hand made wooden doll house (with furniture), a tether ball set, and a HUGE box full of Barbies with clothes. My little girl could care less that things are used....they'll still be fun to play with!

Good luck!
Purplebaby, despite your difficult times, your post is a blessing to me. It really put things in perspective. I, too, have been feeling bad about a "small" Christmas, but now I see it as an opportunity to make it an extra special holiday for my children without so many material things. Thank You. I hope things look up for you and your family soon.
i was so hopeful (thanks to u guys) for a little while. but like everything else this year... not to be.

my girls were at disney dad's for thanksgiving weekend. some sort of argument started and youngest d (14) ran away. dh and i jumped in car sped to his town and managed to find her.... almost 2 miles from his house across several major roads, in a complete stranger's house calling the cops for a ride to the ER. she felt she was not in control of herself. her sister (16) followed her and collapsed. she passed out in my car on way to er stopped breathing, and her heart slowed way down. hospital staff was wonderful, and rushed to respond. she is ok!!! dd 14 however is in teen psych unit.

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