Who has purchased eggs from ebay ? and what was your hatch rate ?

Hfchristy, I use a Little Giant incubator too with no fan or turner. It does not hold a temp well but I'm beginning to think maybe it's not that necessary as long as it can keep the temperature between 98-102F.
I'm hoping to set some eggs tonight in that exact set up.
My thermometers aren't agreeing, though, AT ALL. It's either 102 in there or 96. Looking for one more thermometer, then I guess I'll go with the average!
I used the cheapest one-- like $50 at TSC! Farm Innovations Still Air Incubator-- no fan, no egg turner. First time at hatching.
I tried to calibrate thermometer, but kept getting different readings, so just went with the one included.
Also if my vents were open the temp dropped so I left them closed my humidity was super high the whole time.
Didn't candle, but opened all the eggs at the end. 2 were early quitters and 2 were fully developed, someone suggested the drowned because they weren't set properly. The rest showed no signs of ever starting.
Honestly I was shocked because there were so many points during the process I really thought none were going to hatch!
I just ordered the turner to go with it for the second go-round so I'll let you know how it goes.
Before you go for the second round, read the article Hatching Eggs 101 here on the site. You'll get a lot of information and research compiled into one place. For example, the first 10 days of the incubation, you need to keep the vents closed, to increase the carbon dioxide level, which makes for a stronger chick later at 6 months of age. After the 10 days, you MUST open them up to allow for MORE oxygen, otherwise, you'll kill them. It will also tell you the importance of turning the eggs, the benefits of doing a dry hatch, etc. It's worth it for your time and effort that you're investing in hatching your eggs.
I have two of the big three shelf GQF incubators out in the barn, but this year I splurged and got a Brinsea 20 for the house. After the first couple weeks I decided to order the turner too. Everything that I have put in there has had some positive turn out. Wild turkeys, white peacocks, silkies, seramas, red golden pheasants and araucanas. My only problem was that it doesn't hold much at a time. I shifted to the GQF and my hatch rate went way down. This week I finally gave up buying eggs off Ebay. I decided to just buy adult birds and then I'll have my own eggs. As much as I've spent this year, it will hopefully be cheaper in the long run. I love my birds but my husband thinks I'm nuts. If he only knew how addictive this hobby can be. LOL I just hope I don't run out of room for my birds.
I'm hoping to set some eggs tonight in that exact set up.
My thermometers aren't agreeing, though, AT ALL. It's either 102 in there or 96. Looking for one more thermometer, then I guess I'll go with the average!

Do not look at the thermometer on the top-it is for reference only-I put duct tape over that *******. Best thermometer ever? A cheap mercury type one, like less than a dollar.
I got 8 eggs off of ebay and just candled them this morning, it is day 6 today. 7 out of 8 are developing well. woop woop! the one that isn't developing, the air sack is all weird. I need to read the incubating 101 to see if I can figure out what a damaged air cell looks like.
I got 8 eggs off of ebay and just candled them this morning, it is day 6 today.  7 out of 8 are developing well.  woop woop!  the one that isn't developing, the air sack is all weird.  I need to read the incubating 101 to see if I can figure out what a damaged air cell looks like.

Yay!! Congrats!!
I wouldn't discard the last egg yet. Sometimes shipped eggs begin developing late. :)
Well, I will give it a couple more days, but secretly I'm hoping it is no good. I have only 7 spaces in the mini advance, and there are 8 eggs in there. So I've been manually turning the 2 in the slot that won't be turned because it is a tight squeeze... and we're leaving for a week this sunday. so, I can't turn them!
Well, I will give it a couple more days, but secretly I'm hoping it is no good.  I have only 7 spaces in the mini advance, and there are 8 eggs in there. So I've been manually turning the 2 in the slot that won't be turned because it is a tight squeeze...  and we're leaving for a week this sunday.  so, I can't turn them!

Oh I see!
Well I guess you'll find out soon enough. :)

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