Who has purchased eggs from ebay ? and what was your hatch rate ?

We ordered 10 Silkie eggs from vineyard32, recieved 12, used a homemade cooler incubator, and got 7 chicks! But... only 3 of them are silkies. The rest are??? not silkies. lol Oh Well!

That is an excellent hatch, well kinda. lol.
Well I have a quitter on those Ameraucana eggs. The poor eggs. I would be having such better percentages if it wasn't for several mistakes I have made... But I do have 8 left and the listing on eBay was for 12 so if all 8 hatch I would say excellent! They are due to begin hatching this Thursday!!
My cream legbars on eBay have two quitters. I think I've got 8 or 9 still going in there for sure out of a listing for 12 (I was sent extras)
My Marans eggs are way to dark to see in properly, but I'be candled a few lighter ones and have been able to see subtle movement in some. I will candle again on day 14 for them and organize the incubator by grouping the ones I know for sure are doing something on one side. I would give some unsure eggs to my broody but my TURKEY HEN will not STOP trying to steal eggs out of the nest boxes!! I boarded it up so she can't reach in very well and that helps, but she has still managed to break an egg that one of my hens laid two days ago. *sigh*
Ths is the thread I started, so an update on My experience. I bought 10 white silkie eggs, 6 light sussex, 6 wellsummer.
Silkies - 6 didn't start. 4 developed. 1 made it to lockdown 0 hatched
Wellsummer - 4 didn't start. 2 developed. 1 made it to lockdown 0 hatched ]
Light sussex - 1 didn't start. 5 developed. 3 made it to lockdown 2 hatched

My experience I won't be purchasing from ebay again.
I only had 2 light sussex chicks hatch from that whole batch so I went to my local hatchery and bought my chicks some friends lol, 2 more sussex and 4 wellsummer chicks here they are :)
Ths is the thread I started, so an update on My experience. I bought 10 white silkie eggs, 6 light sussex, 6 wellsummer.
Silkies - 6 didn't start. 4 developed. 1 made it to lockdown 0 hatched
Wellsummer - 4 didn't start. 2 developed. 1 made it to lockdown 0 hatched ]
Light sussex - 1 didn't start. 5 developed. 3 made it to lockdown 2 hatched

My experience I won't be purchasing from ebay again.
I only had 2 light sussex chicks hatch from that whole batch so I went to my local hatchery and bought my chicks some friends lol, 2 more sussex and 4 wellsummer chicks here they are :)

I wish your experience had been better. :(
Cute chickies though. :)
I purchased eggs thru the mail for a while. I finally decided to let my broody banties do the work, and they are great. No quitters, all healthy chicks.
Too true! For what you are doing it does sound loads more efficient and cost effective to buy live chicks from a local hatchery. :)
I am hoping I just manage to get a few chicks to hatch so I can start my own breeding flock (from two different original flocks) for selling chicks and maybe even POL pullets. :)
But that will obviously all be next year by the time they are ready to reproduce. :)
This afternoon was day 22 and nothing from my 22 eggs in the incubator. We do not have a pip, zip or any noise. I am so hoping they are just late. Doing the same as we did with our first hatch and that ended up 8 out of 12, which I though was good. Two quite just before hatch and two did not develop. The issue is the breed that I want I cannot locate locally. The Ameraucanas are local but the breeder would not let us pick them up because they do not let people on their farm that have their own flock. The others were shipped from PA.
This afternoon was day 22 and nothing from my 22 eggs in the incubator. We do not have a pip, zip or any noise. I am so hoping they are just late. Doing the same as we did with our first hatch and that ended up 8 out of 12, which I though was good. Two quite just before hatch and two did not develop. The issue is the breed that I want I cannot locate locally. The Ameraucanas are local but the breeder would not let us pick them up because they do not let people on their farm that have their own flock. The others were shipped from PA.

Ugh. That sucks, I cannot imagine that at least one egg didn't make it?

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