Who has raised Buff orpingtons before?

I have 4. All hatched august 1st. (As are my australorps and light brahmas). They were the sweetest of the bunch growing up. They are still great but now that they are all laying all my hens are treating me as the rooster ! So they all squat for me and let me pet them. Great birds and glad i got them.
I had a large flock of buff Orpingtons while living in Northern Maine.
They were sweet, docile chickens. They laid well and were average for going broody and great moms.
As standard size, they are heavy and well-suited to cold climates.
Now, living in NM, my flock is a mix of mostly light standard and bantams with no Orpingtons because of their weight and the heat here.
Best to you!
I am raising 3 buff orpington chicks at the moment and was wondering if anyone else has or is planning to or has some in their flock now!
I have 6 Buff Orpington’s. They are the sweetest and friendliest. I’m new to chickens. They are
10 1/2 months old. They do well in cold winters. Honey, Peeps, Buttercup, Gingy, Henny Wrenny, and Bertha (my mom named her so I had to keep it). I love them!
1st time raising chickens, and I got 8 Buff Orpingtons. I got them because everything I read said that they were good chickens for the beginner to have. They are 5 weeks old now, and more active than I anticipated. They love to fly around the brooder. One almost flew out one day when I had the lid open when attending to their water and feeder. They are growing so fast and almost fully feathered, so it won't be long before they go to their coup.
Our first venture into backyard chickens for eggs is with 2 yellow Buff Orpingtons and 2 Barred Rocks week old chicks. A month later we supplemented with 2 Blue Australorps and an Easter Egger week old chicks. We spent time handling them when they were chicks and getting them use to our dogs, which have adopted them into their pack. The Australorps are true Aussies, independent, a bit aloof, curious but well integrated with the pack. The Buffs are curious, like to be picked up and held, and are low key regal as they navigate the yard. The Barred Rocks are very talkative and sociable, love to be picked up and follow us around in the yard, at times flitting here and there searching treats in the yard. The Easter Egger is a princess, smaller but enjoys challenges, like figuring out how to get in the garden area. The Australorps do seem to like to get into "trouble" with the Easter Egger. They are all prolific egg layers, and it is always a treat to spend time with them out in the yard when they are free ranging. This summer will be our year anniversary for all of them.
I've had buff orpingtons, only one hen in my flock right now, but she is the sweetest girl. They have a very nice disposition.
I'm thinking that maybe a few of the bigger hatcheries just breed a lot of aggressive roosters, because so many of you have said you have issues with it; Also because it's partially genetic

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