Who Has The Prettiest Chicken?

I want a Bielefelder rooster so badly. We have (very very young) lavender Orp and BLRW Roos and if they both turn out to be mean or if they don’t make it to maturity, I’m going to be looking for one. Love them.
I had never heard of them until Youngthread on BYC suggested them instead of trying to breed up to Rhodebars. I was lucky to find this beautiful boy and two pullets on Craigslist, and I'm so impressed with how nice he is to me (not in a cozy way, but a mannerly way). He's a gentleman to his ladies, not using rough force. He rarely gets a morsel of treats because he keeps giving them to the hens, even letting them snatch them from his beak! He guards them and just does everything a good rooster should do! So far, he also tolerates my 14-week Barred Rock cockerel without any violence.
I know numerous hatcheries are selling chicks, and so is Ace Hardware in some areas.
I can't wait for my pullets to hatch out a bunch of chicks!
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