Who have you had good luck ordering chicks from??


8 Years
Jan 11, 2012
Hi...I am working on our coop right now and want to get my order in for Spring chicks. I want to get Australorps, Barred Plymouth Rock and Orpingtons. I will not be able to get more than about 8-10 at this time (until I learn what to do).
Who have you all had good luck with as far as ordering and shipping. Reading some of the posts make me a bit leary of doing so but I do not think our local Southern States carries the breeds I am interested in.
Any suggestions would be much appreciated.
I hope someone responds cause I was gonna ask the same question. I want to get White Rock Black Aussies and Brown Leghorn. I have never ordered from a hatchery and I trust the opinions of my on line family. Thanks all
I've ordered from Meyer Hatcher, but I live close enough to pick them up there. Our friend has ordered 25+ chicks from Murray McMurray every other year for the past 20 years, so she must like them.
I suggest talking to the person that does the ordering at Southern States and see if they can help you. That is probably your simplest option if you can work it out with them. Make sure you talk to the person that actually does the ordering. That is important. I've got some really strange answers from people at my local Tractor Supply when I ask about their chicks, but when I found the person that actually orders them, I got some pretty straight information.

I've ordered from Cackle and gotten really good results as far as live healthy chicks. I've even had Buff Orps and Black Australorps. But Cackle has a 15 chick minimum unless you pay a lot extra for shipping. I'd suggest you look at Ideal. They have a minimum dollar amount, not a minimum number of chicks. That might suit you better. You may get packing peanuts though. Those are usually extra roosters they send to help keep the others warm during shipping. If you don't expect them, they can cause some concern and problems.

Another option is to find you State thread on here and post on that. You may find someone local who might split an order with you.
We're ordering from Ideal Poultry but this is the first time. Mcmurray is good we've ordered from them and got the best chicks, though we have lost some to splayed leg a couple times. But you have to get 25 the Murray and Ideal you can get less. Good luck hope this was helpful
Hey! I have ordered from Murray McMurray numerous times and absolutely LOVE them. We got our original flock from there, and order Jumbo Corning X Rocks (meat birds) every year. Every time I am completely impressed! Never had a single dead chick on arrival. Their always happy and peeping! They grow into beautiful examples of their breed as well. Nothing but satisfaction. Plus I live all the way down in Florida so those poor little birds had a long ride!

Also their customer service is GREAT! If you arent sure what you want, get a free catalog online. Call their hatchery and someone will sit there with you and patiently go over the breeds. Tell them what you want and they make excellent recommendations, answer any questions you have.

One last important thing (for me at least), They always ship me a couple more chicks then I order. Im sure that its for warmth and in case any dont make it. But my last order of 25 was actually 29. One was a little rooster that I'm still not 100% sure the breed of. You can always opt out of getting extra birds, but i wouldnt. If nothing else the feed store will take them.

Yeah, I know I sound like I'm selling for them, but i just hate to see people have bad experiences with hatcheries. I have never had one with them, so i will most likely never order from anywhere else.
Thanks so much for the information. I am looking for someone in my area who might be interested in a few since i really can't take all the 25 McMurray requires. I appreciate your help and will be placing my order with them asap.
i love mcmuray as well .. im always happy with 100% happy healthy chicks .. =) beautiful birds when they grow up ..
and meyers is really good as well .. "leeanns adopt me bargain" is really a bargain .. out of the 25 chicks ( 28 after extras )

4 were roos .. i got black polish blue polish partridge pendesenica (i always spell that wrong) sumatras, leghorns, splash marrans, buttercups, barred rock , lakenvelders,hamburgs(silver) andalusians blue and a splash, cuckoo marans,and light brahmas super happy with that random mix .. especially since it was some of the most expensive breeds and almost all were hens !! =D

mcmurray is my favorite of the two hatcherys though .. ( yes im from missouri .. and i dont order from the hatchery a hour away lol (cackle) its website is not as easy to navigate .. and not as simple as these two .. these two have the bargains and deals im such a sucker for as well .. lol .. =/

i might try cackle this year .. maybe go pickup a deal .. save me on shipping =)
Most of the time the feed stores will buy them off you, then they dont have to pay shipping. Otherwise post an add on Craigslist. Just say your placing an order and see if anyone is looking to get chicks... Its worked for me!

Thanks so much for the information. I am looking for someone in my area who might be interested in a few since i really can't take all the 25 McMurray requires. I appreciate your help and will be placing my order with them asap.

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