We are down to 13 chicks :( one died in the night and I am surprised another one did not die we got home aroun 3:00 and we had been gone since 9:00 and one had jumped out of the brooder when I found her she was cold it was below 70 it looked as if she had stayed in one spot she had pooped there 4 times she is fine now.
Awwww! What kinds?

I'm trying to figure that out

I know for sure I have 2 cochins and 1 easter egger. The rest I really have no idea. I looked at websites trying to find out their breeds, but some look so much alike...
Thanks! I know just the most common breeds. I'm trying to take a pic of each individually to post on the chicken breed threads.
We are down to 13 chicks
one died in the night and I am surprised another one did not die we got home aroun 3:00 and we had been gone since 9:00 and one had jumped out of the brooder when I found her she was cold it was below 70 it looked as if she had stayed in one spot she had pooped there 4 times she is fine now.

Sorry about the one that died, but glad you could save the other one!
i have an order of 25 pullet chicks that will be shipped out May 2nd...not april but pretty close....and their coming from Meyer Hatchery

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