Who is hatching out your goose eggs?

You might try changing the post title to... "best early spring LF broody fro Michigan weather"

I wonder if better winter laying breeds tend to go broody earlier in the season and when it's still cold. Maybe favs or Dorkings??? I wish I could help
Surely you will find your answer!

Maybe have a couple of 'other' geese just for this purpose and swap their eggs out for Sebbie eggs??
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Yes this is what Holderreads suggested to me.... or even some pet quality sebie hens. That will be the next thing I do.... if the ducks dont cooperate.
pips&peeps :

My Dickey hatcher............

It's like -10 with the wind chill today. When oh when will the winter end??????

'Global warming'
I have 12 goose eggs under 3 broody Orpington hens. I like the thought of using other geese to incubate the egg of the rare breeds. I think I will try it and see how it works out. Thanks for the info. I never thought of it either. DUH.
I could have sworn I saw you hatched out sebs...did something go wrong...?

Nope, not yet!
I have two due today or tomorrow and I heard tapping last night!

Last spring, had one that developed to about 3 weeks and died in the shell. This year, I've gone through 12 already.
Luckily, now that Brodee is not eating my eggs anymore, I was able to set a few of my own.

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