Who is your candidate?

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Thought I would point out that Ron Paul is a Obstetrics/Gynecologist from the country with a pretty solid voting history an also refused his government retirement money.

Just saying...

Thanks for the info. To be honest, I don't follow much to do with politics for the last few years. It's all more of the same - just slam ads and a bunch of lies and blowing smoke up the American people's behinds.

I will check into Ron Paul - see where he stands on some issues that are of importance to me.

Thanks again - I appreciate the information
Thanks for the info. To be honest, I don't follow much to do with politics for the last few years. It's all more of the same - just slam ads and a bunch of lies and blowing smoke up the American people's behinds.

I will check into Ron Paul - see where he stands on some issues that are of importance to me.

Thanks again - I appreciate the information
Honestly your only bet is youtube. He is so censored by the media it is not even funny. Atleast in youtube videos they use his exact speech. Most of his videos are labeled Ron Paul slams (so and so). A good youtube account is http://www.youtube.com/user/RonPaul2008dotcom
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There are some things I like about Paul, but he is not a big supporter of the Military, and would rather pull all of the troops home than letting the troops do their job, which is making our country safer from terrorists. I am going for Newt.
There are some things I like about Paul, but he is not a big supporter of the Military, and would rather pull all of the troops home than letting the troops do their job, which is making our country safer from terrorists. I am going for Newt.

Their job is to protect the country. Having more troops at home is safer than going their. HE is a huge supporter of the military, by using it accordingly. Here is everyone elses logic

I think my girlfriend is going to break up with me so I am going to break up with her first just in case.

We don't need troops in 100+ countries. We need them here protecting us. No need for army bases in Japan, Germany, England, france, or any other country. We would see it as an act of war if a country dared to put a military base on our land.
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There are some things I like about Paul, but he is not a big supporter of the Military, and would rather pull all of the troops home than letting the troops do their job, which is making our country safer from terrorists. I am going for Newt.

The military support him more than any other by a big margin. Even if I knew nothing about the issue, that would be enough to tell me his military plans are sound.
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