Who is Your Friendliest and Who is Most Skittish?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jun 22, 2014
I'm just curious- which of your chickens is the friendliest or most lovable, and which one is the most skittish?? Did it change from when they were chicks to adults?

My chicks are only 2 weeks old, but my most friendly is one of my Barred Plymouth Rocks (Pepper)- she loves me- jumps on my arm, tries to fly out of her crate when I'm in the room, etc. A close second is one of my Easter Eggers (Elsa).

But it's funny because my other Easter Egger (Anna) is SO skittish- she will do anything to get away from my hand when I'm trying to pick her up. It's kind of hilarious except that she riles up all the other chickens being such a complete spaz!

Also funny is that my two Buff Orpingtons (Buffy and Buttercup) are definitely not super friendly. They peck at me whenever I put hand in their crate, and they seem to actually be a little bit bully-ish to the other chicks even though they are 5 days younger! They aren't really skittish though so they still might become they love bugs they are supposed to be. ;)
Friendliest would be a toss-up between Fat Amy and Nugget, both Buff Orpingtons -- they have been that way since the day we brought them home.
The most skittish is one of our EEs - Aeryn. She is an absolute nut. She, also, was the same as a chick as she is now.
Hmm, friendliest would have to be a pair of rooster s and a hen we have sold. Currently, I believe either our golden comet, hope, or our old english hen, georgina.
Our most skittish chicken would have to be our silver laced wyandotte. When she was little, she was super friendly, but not that way now.
Our most evil would have to be charles, a white polish, most evil thing ever! Close second is our white crested black polish rooster squirt.
My most friendly would either be mr.roo a mutt boy or my light brahma lily. My most skittish would probably be Henny Penny- our golden comet. None are mean but some do stand out as super friendly :), luckily none peck me.
lily is the big white/black one and mr.roo is the 2nd one back looking into the coop on the right. Both I have brought into the house and they sat in my lap. Mr.roo even falls asleep in my lap.
that is mr.roo from a couple months back. Here is a pic of him now
. Tbh he tries to maintain his image with the flock because he doesn't mind being pet in the coop but if I bring him in the house alone he will fall asleep right in my lap and sit there. It is super cute :)
Interesting! I swear my one easter egger gets more skittish by the day- it's so annoying! The bigger they get, and the more she is able to fly, the crazier her antics get in trying to get away from me.

"Fat Amy"- haha! That cracked me up!

Poultry Queen- my silver laced is pretty friendly too at this point (2.5 weeks old)- I hope she doesn't change!

backyardflock- I love that picture of you petting his head!!
My friendliest is this barred rock pullet. When she was about a month old I put her with my other chickens in a big house for the winter With five or six brothers and sisters with her. Some how All ended up dieing but her . And I found her stuck behind one of my laying boxes she was stuck . Almost starved I warmed her up and gave her her own feed and water and she survived . She's been my little pet ever since and does basically what ever she wants.

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My friendliest would be a silver laced wyandotte hen. The most skittish are the two Anconas we have (no surprise there). I'd place our EE's as more friendly than our barred rock & black star. One of the EE's races from across the yard whenever she sees me
, they just don't like to be touched. I'm not looking to cuddle with my ladies and since they will all eat out of my hand, I'm happy!

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